No Rules

No Rules by Jenna McCormick

Book: No Rules by Jenna McCormick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna McCormick
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He needed release so badly he could taste it, and with the autopilot engaged and the bed not even a foot away, all he could think about was stripping Alison to her skin and loving her body until they reached their destination. “We almost died.”
    â€œI’m well aware of that.” Moving to the other side of the room, she started picking up random items. “What I don’t understand is why you’re all hot for me all of a sudden.”
    â€œIt’s not all of a sudden.” The words came out more like a growl. “You have no idea how difficult it was for me to resist you earlier.”
    â€œThen why did you? I’m a whore, Fenton. A sure thing and you still refused.”
    â€œYou’re not a whore. You only did that because you had no other choice.”
    Shoving an armload of clothing into the closet and sealing the door, she turned to face him. His heart nearly stopped when he saw her eyes were wet. “That’s all I am. All I’ve ever been. Back on Earth, it was different. I was a pleasure companion, one of the best in the business. An hour with me cost more than most men earned in a month. And I made sure they got their money’s worth.”
    Shame burned color on her cheeks. “But I fucked up. Epically. I traded more than my body, I traded my soul. So don’t sit there and kid yourself that I was only doing what I had to in order to survive. I’m not a good person. I’m not even a good whore anymore.”
    He couldn’t stand to see her cry. Slowly, so as not to startle her, Fenton moved closer until he tugged her into his embrace. She struggled at first, but he persevered until she was wrapped in his arms. Rocking back and forth he offered her silent comfort until she sagged, emotionally spent.
    She was so soft and warm in his arms, she fit like she’d been born to mold into him. Hearing her confessions should have cooled his ardor, but he was still hard, still fighting the phase split.
    Tilting her chin up he said, “Alison, listen to me. You risked your life to save me back there. I owe you my life. You aren’t bad. I know, I’ve seen evil up close.”
    â€œThe overlord?” she mumbled.
    Fenton wasn’t sure how much she knew, but he refused to lie to her. “Yes. He was pure evil. He killed for sport, for pleasure, to alleviate his boredom. The deaths of my entire family are on his head. And to save myself I did some despicable things too. But I’m determined to atone for my sins as best I can.”
    She sniffled and wiped her eyes. “You ever sleep with someone for money?”
    â€œNo. But my sister did.”
    Raising her watery gaze to his, he watched her shock register. “What happened to her?”
    â€œShe died of wasting sickness. Gave of herself until there was nothing left to give. It was horrible to watch the disease consume her a little bit at a time.”
    â€œI’m sorry.”
    He nodded, accepting her softly spoken condolence. Fenton could have told her then about his mission, why he’d been resisting her, but she had that look, the one he’d seen on some of the men under his command, desolate and exhausted and utterly without hope.
    â€œI only told you that because I want you to understand that I will not judge you on what you’ve done in the past. I see the person you are now, strong, self-sacrificing, a survivor. A beautiful, independent woman.”
    She snorted, but he saw the pleasure creep over her face so he forged onward. “How did you learn so much about the culture in the Hosta System?”
    â€œObservation mostly. I watched and listened to others to pick up what I needed to know.”
    â€œAnd you’ve done this before, correct? Mimicked other cultures to help yourself blend in?”
    Her teeth sank into her full lower lip but she nodded.
    â€œDo you have any idea how impressive that is for me, someone who has never left his home

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