No Place Like Home (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

No Place Like Home (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) by Diane Leyne Page B

Book: No Place Like Home (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) by Diane Leyne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Leyne
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think, particularly since she seemed to have them for both the Lansing brothers.
    It was the longest week of her life. She’d tried to avoid the boys, but, of course, they had picked the weekend to come home that her parents were out of town and she was staying with Annie and Abigail. She found herself taking special pains with her hair and making sure her clothes were flattering. But they always treated her just like a second kid sister. When meant they pretty much ignored her.
    And she tried push Jackson and Markus out of her mind. Of course Miss Abigail kept her up-to-date on their exploits, their successes at school, and their sporting triumphs. She was a proud grandmother and, secretly, Cassie soaked up every word. When no one was looking, she found herself staring at the photos Miss Abigail kept on the wall. And she waited to grow up so they would notice her. And Annie talked about them all the time. She hero-worshipped her big brothers and was always talking about their exploits such as the time they almost got kicked out of school when they both got caught naked in the bedroom with the wife of the headmaster at the prep school they’d gone to, or the time they both dated the same girl “at the same time” Annie had shared in a shocked voice, although Cassie wasn’t exactly sure of what she meant by that and didn’t care to ask.
    And as she got older, she tried dating. She’d “blossomed” early and always had boys interested in her, but she hadn’t returned their interest. But Joe Stevens seemed nice, and on her sixteenth birthday, they’d gone out. But all he wanted to do was grab her breasts and stick his tongue in her mouth. She quickly put a stop to that. Of course he didn’t like that she’d blackened his eye in the process and had started rumors about her “putting out.”
    But after trying dating twice more, with the same result, she decided that it was overrated. And that the crush that she’d had on Jackson and Markus was kid stuff and she was too busy to date. She was going to get a scholarship to university, so she had to buckle down and work her ass off. Mostly, she didn’t miss dating even if she envied Annie’s easy way of handling boys. It seemed like none of them ever tried to manhandle her, and even when she moved from dating one boy to the next, they never had hard feelings and they all stayed friends.
    But sometimes, lying in bed at night, she remembered Joe’s mouth on hers and the feeling of his hand on her breast, but in her dreams it was Jackson or Markus. And once, it was both of them. She was some kind of freak, she thought. Until she found “the book,” as she thought of it on one of her bookstore visits. She’d gotten a call from the owner of Barton’s Books. He’d gotten a big load of books in from an estate of an elderly librarian who had apparently been hoarding them for years. Not all of them were in great shape, and there were far too many for his bookshelves. He knew Cassie’s interest in “flower books” as he called them and had boxed up a bunch, some in good condition and some in not so good condition and had offered her the whole box for a huge discount, just to get rid of them.
    It was a treasure trove, from a nineteenth-century book on botany to a modern university textbook on landscape architecture. And then down at the bottom of the box she found it. It was called The Blossoming of Violet , and the cover art was a big bouquet of violets. But when she flipped through it, it seemed like it might be fiction rather than a botanical book. She tossed it aside and didn’t get back to it for weeks, but one rainy night when she couldn’t sleep, she remembered it and decided to check it out.
    Turns out Violet was a young woman. She loved flowers and plants and two men. And the “blossoming” was her love affair with the two men. In parts, shocked and intrigued, she found herself unable to put it down. Of course, she knew about sex, but the notion of sex with

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