No Other Love
carriage outside Vivian’s home the very next Monday, as Rose had refused to get in.
    Rose nodded. “He’s seen us. I don’t think he’ll tell Mrs. Fletcher, at least not yet, but I would put nothing past him. In any case, you can see why our drives must end. I can’t risk losing my place.”
    Luke looked as if he wanted to tear something apart. Abruptly he turned and walked away, turning around after a few paces and walking back to wear she stood. His cheeks were flushed and he was scowling with such ferocity, the passersby regarded him warily.
    “I’ll be damned if I let Nathan threaten us out of something perfectly innocent. I see no reason why I can’t continue to drive you, so long as we’re more careful. We’ll simply keep the top up so no one can see us. I’ll let you out farther away from Cider Hill, as well.”
    Rose looked at him. “Why do you and your father put up with Mr. Byrne? It seems to me he must be detrimental to your work.”
    Luke sighed and rubbed his face in a weary gesture. “Because he’s family, and we don’t turn our back on family. No matter what.”
    A chill coursed down Rose’s spine at this, for if this were true, might they not all close ranks around Mr. Byrne to protect him? She would need to be absolutely certain of his guilt, and have proof of it as well, before accusing him.
    Of course, at the moment she was more worried about what Byrne might accuse her of, and whether riding with Luke was worth the risk. Her mind raced as she considered Luke’s suggestion. The safest thing to do would be to end their drives. Then again, how would anyone know it was them if they kept the top up?
    Later perhaps she’d examine the pleasure she felt at his solution. For now, she was only too happy to agree.
    “Very well,” she agreed. “Let us do as before, only more cautiously.”
    Luke looked relieved. “I’ll speak to Nathan and ensure he stays away from you.”
    “Please don’t. He hasn’t done anything yet, and your interference will only make him more certain that we’ve been too familiar.”
    Luke stood with his hands on his hips, looking as if he would argue. Then he sighed. “As you wish. But promise me you’ll let me know if anything else happens.”
    “I’m sure that won’t be necessary.”
    He regarded her with an aggrieved expression, then shook his head, as if giving up. Without another word he moved back to the buggy and began raising the top. Rose waited, anxious that they might be seen, though they were on a small street down which no one from Cider Hill could possibly need to travel.
    A few minutes later Luke turned back to her, his hand outstretched. “Shall we?”
    They both settled into the buggy, the raised top enclosing them together in a whole new intimacy. He was so close, mere inches from her, and it was many minutes before her breath evened out and she could look at him again.

Chapter Six
    Each week Rose felt closer to Luke, but when at Cider Hill they acted as strangers to each other. Luke nodded and greeted her when they met in a hallway or room, and if she were serving him at mealtimes, he thanked her but paid her no more mind then he did the other girls. It was a strange, divided existence, and yet another deception she had to negotiate.
    Her situation at Cider Hill took yet another turn as she was cleaning Luke’s bedchamber one morning not long after Mr. Byrne threatened her.
    Rose started at the unexpected sound of Luke’s voice. He was standing in the doorway of his bedchamber, looking at her with surprise and dismay. She stood up straight, letting go of the counterpane she’d been straightening.
    “You startled me,” she said, laughing to ease the tension.
    He was frowning at her now, his gaze sweeping the room and taking in the fresh flowers in the vase, the clean towel and full water pitcher on its stand. Then he looked at her.
    “Am I to understand that you come in here every morning and clean up after

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