No More Secrets

    Chapter 1

    Pulling his yellow Lotus Elise into the driveway of the modest two-story house in the suburbs, which was the house of his brother and sister-in-law, Grant let out a sigh of relief. Home at last.
    But more importantly than that, inside the cosy suburban house was his beautiful, young fiancée, Nikki. He had told Nikki that he had to work through the holidays so he could surprise her. It had near killed him not to tell her he was coming home, but now that he was here and anticipating the look of excitement on her face when she saw him, he was glad he had waited.
    Shutting off the car, he grabbed the large bouquet of red roses from the passenger side of the car and stepped out onto the snow-covered ground. It was a few days before Christmas and he had an entire week off before he had to be back at work. His next assignment would take him back to Sierra Leone; which was not his favorite place to be, not by a long shot. But, he'd deal with that problem when the time came around. He vowed to himself nothing was going to ruin this week for him and Nikki. Nothing.
    Stepping up to the front door, Grant rang the bell and waited, hoping Nikki would be the one to answer. She was always so enthusiastic to see him, throwing her arms around him and planting frenzied kisses over his lips, face and neck. A smile touched his lips as he heard footsteps coming to the door and then the door swung open to reveal - to his disappointment - his brother, with his sister-in-law, Audrey, close on his heels.
    "Well I'll be - Grant!" His brother, a stocky dark-haired man in his early-forties, grabbed him and pulled him into a tight embrace.
    "What are you doing here? You never told us you were coming home for Christmas!" Once his brother stepped aside Grant's sister-in-law stepped up and took her turn at giving him a hug.
    Grant shrugged, "It was a last minute thing."
    Where's Nikki? He glanced around them and into the house, but saw no sign of her. He looked back over his shoulder and noticed her little beat-up Ford Neon sitting in the driveway next to his. She had to be home... didn't she?
    Slipping an arm around Grant's shoulders his brother ushered him into the house, while his sister-in-law shut the door behind them.
    Grant stopped dead in his tracks. "Where's Nikki?" He hated that he may be sounding rude, but it had been a couple of months since he'd last seen her and he was more than a little anxious to feel her soft, delicate body in his arms again. He couldn't even allow himself to fantasize about how good her hot and enthusiastic little pussy was going to feel surrounding his cock for fear of having to deal with an uncomfortable rock-hard erection in his pants.
    " Ahhh Nikki, yes, she's on a date. She's supposed to be home by midnight," his brother Ron responded, urging Grant to keep moving into the living room.
    Grant frowned, not budging from his spot. A date? What is she doing on a date! "Where? With who?" He glanced from one face to the other.
    "We set her up. She seemed so lonely when she came home... I arranged for her to go out with the son of a friend of mine from my bridge club. He's a Harvard boy," Audrey, replied, beaming with self-congratulation.
    "Hell of a guy, from what I can tell," his brother chimed in. "Hopefully she won't screw this one up. It would be nice to have a lawyer in the family." His brother rolled his eyes. "You know how our little Nikki can be."
    Audrey nodded her head in agreement. "Handsome young man, too. She didn't seem to want to go - at first, but when we insisted she finally gave in."
    His brother once again attempted to urge him into the living room, but Grant stayed planted on the spot. "You made her go on a date?" He couldn't keep the sharp edge from creeping into his tone as he spoke, and immediately felt guilty when bewildered expressions crossed their faces.
    "She seemed so distracted and bored. We thought it would be a good idea for her to get out," Audrey frowned, "Why? Is there

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