No Greater Loyalty
towards Angel, ready to show him how they handled stuff in his hood, the next instant, shit went haywire.
    Glimpsing Angel ’s face as he rushed towards him, Sonny suddenly realized he’d made a mistake.
    Angel waited until Sonny was only a couple of feet away from him then grabbed him by the back of his neck. Using the other man ’s momentum, Angel forcefully rammed him face first into the window. The thick bulletproof glass may as well have been a brick wall. Sonny grunted in pain. The first contact shattered his nose as bones and flesh met the impenetrable barrier.
    Teeth bared and green eyes flashing, Angel slammed Sonny ’s face into the glass again and again and again. Sonny’s blood coated the surface until it resembled a blank canvas in front of an artist that had splattered it with bright, red paint.
    Angel kept a hand behind the semi-conscious man's head and pressed so hard it seemed as if he were trying to push Sonny's face through the glass. 
    " You don't approve of my decisions, you little prick?” he growled in outrage. “ You don't think I should put my family before business because it will fuck with your money?"
    Sounding like a tortured animal with its paw caught in a steel trap, Sonny howled in pain. "A-Angel...please..."
    Angel was not in the mood to show mercy. Chest heaving, he bent down and whispered harshly in Sonny’s ear. "You take it upon yourself to go behind my back and try to conspire against me? You stupid son of a bitch!"
    The workers below stopped what they were doing and glanced up at the gruesome scene playing out in the room above.
    "I'm s-sorry. I meant disrespect, Angel," Sonny slurred.
    "That's exactly what you were trying to do. You're disrespectful and unappreciative. On top of that, you're actually stupid enough to bite the hand that feeds you. You ’ve doubled your profits since you've been a member of this organization. Who do you think is responsible for that? This is how you repay my generosity!" Angel yelled. "You sit there and think it’s okay to lecture me about what you don't approve of, and what you think I should and shouldn't do!"
    Angel flung Sonny away in disgust. He stared down at him on the floor for several seconds then squatted down beside him. In an eerily calm voice he said, "You say this is personal to me? You're right. When someone is bold enough to look me in the face and threaten harm to a member of my family, I take it very personal. Is that understood?”
    Gasping for breath, the movement of Sonny ’s head was barely discernable, but Angel took it as an affirmative answer.
    Standing, he turned towards the other members of the Alliance, letting the fire in his eyes touch each and every man there. "Is there anyone else who would like to challenge my authority? Anyone else who shares his sentiments, who thinks the power should be redistributed?" When no one ventured to speak, Angel ’s voice rose to a virtual roar. "I will say this one time and one time only. There is room for only one king in this fucking jungle, and that has been and always will be me ! If anyone else would like to step up and try and change that, then do so now."
    The silence lengthened as Angel waited. After several long tension filled moments, he grabbed a bottle of water from a nearby table. After screwing the top off, he liberally poured water over his hands to rinse Sonny ’s blood off as best he could.
    Taking the handkerchief that Carlo handed him, he looked up at the men. "I chose you all for a reason. Do not give me reason to regret that decision. Any one of you can be replaced any time I choose. Is that clear? ” Stepping over Sonny, he nodded to Oscar, who pulled out his phone. “Now that we've established that point and everyone is in agreement, I'll leave you with a parting gift before I go."
    On cue, the door opened to admit a bevy of beautiful women, enough to where there were two or three for every man there.
    "I realize this may be a stressful time, but

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