No Greater Loyalty
activities. Angel listened as Sonny continued to run his mouth, blissfully unaware of the fact that he was tugging at the lion's tail and was only moments away from getting mauled. He tuned him out as his mind went over the obvious: Sonny Luciano would have to go. 
    This wasn't the first time he'd challenged Angel's authority. The youngest of the group, Sonny came up in the game at an early age, the same as Angel. He was hungry, determined, and willing to do whatever it took to remain king of his streets.
    Angel had seen qualities of his younger self in Sonny that he'd wanted to cultivate and mold. That's why he'd brought him into the fold. Sonny was about his money, point blank. He didn't accept excuses from anybody, which was an admirable trait to his streets with his people. What he obviously failed to realize, was that he was not in his streets right now, and Angel sure as fuck wasn't one of his people. If his actions tonight were any indication, the lines in his mind had blurred, because he'd definitely crossed them. However, Angel intended to clear them up quite nicely before he left tonight.
    "Angel, you ’re bettin' on things stayin' the same once... if ...your contact comes into power, but you can't guarantee that and I'm not willing to chance it. Now, I feel for ya’ brotha, but business is business. You, betta than anybody, should know this…which brings me to my next point." Sonny leaned back in his chair and propped his feet up on the table. "I think it's time for a more equal amount of power to be distributed in this little group of ours. I understand you’re the one who brought us together and everything, but this ain't Italy and we ain't on no Mafioso shit."
    Sonny glanced around the room, eyes sparkling with amusement. "You think you a Don or Godfather or somethin', Angelo? ”
    He held the first two fingers of both hands up and drew imaginary quotation marks in the air. “‘Make me an offer I can't refuse' or however that shit goes. But just remember." Sonny tapped his chest. "Scarface was a bad ass too. He was younger and crazier than the Godfather. I think he coulda whipped the old man's ass if the two of them had been in the same room together."
    Sonny slapped his thigh. His laughter rang out overly loud as if he'd just delivered the punch line of a humorous joke. Except he was the only one who seemed to find it funny.
    "Are you finished?" Angel had had enough. Still at the window, he turned his head slightly so that he could see Sonny out of his peripheral.
    "Yeah. Yeah, man, I'm finished." Sonny unfolded his legs and stood up.
    When he did, Angel’s expression turned fierce. "Who told you to get up?"
    Sonny paused and stared at him in confusion. "What?"
    Angel turned completely around and slowly asked the question again as if speaking to a mentally challenged person, because as far as he was concerned, that’s what Sonny was to speak to him like this.
    "Did I tell you it was okay to get the fuck up?"

    CHAPTER 14
    Sonny ’s confusion was replaced by anger when he realized this was Angel's way of again putting him in his place in front of everyone. Determined to save face, his lips parted to sign the check his words had recklessly written. His ass was getting ready to cash it in full.
    "Who da fuck you think you talkin to, Angel? I ain't Carlo."
    Chest swollen, chin tilted, Sonny stood there seething. In his opinion, Angel had gotten soft, lost the edge the game had given him. Who the fuck ever heard of running the streets like some fuckin' corporation? This wasn't no boardroom, and Sonny refused to be treated like one of Angel's foot soldiers. He brought in just as much revenue as anybody else here. Probably more. It was time he was given his rightful place in the hierarchy of the organization.
    So caught up in the adrenaline of the moment, the next chain of events unfolded before he had a chance to grasp what was happening. One moment, he was rushing forward

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