Nights of Sin (The Bad Boy Collection Book 3)
spare room, and Alexa finished the dishes as Corey put away the table.
    She was drying her hands on a towel when he made it into the kitchen.
    “I’ve decided I’m not going to pressure you for your fantasies anymore.”
    “You’re not?”
    “No. I know it must be hard to be in a relationship with me. I’m not the easiest guy to trust. I’ve made a life out of being the opposite of what a woman wanted. I mean, we met in a sex club, and I’ve never wanted to be in a relationship. I’m going to prove to you, and this will take time, that you can trust me.” He kissed her lips. “I can wait. I’m a patient man.”
    Two months later
    Corey stared at his finished story, and couldn’t believe how damn happy he was. For the past two months since Alexa had mentioned checking one of his stories, he’d not really thought much about it. When Alexa had gotten ill he’d sat on the bed with his laptop, and started reading once again. After he read what he’d already done, he got sucked back in once again, and now the story was finished.
    Leaning back in his chair, he clicked his fingers and smiled.
    “I’m done.”
    “What’s that, babe?” Alexa asked, coming into the office.
    He was at Alexa’s place as she had converted one of the spare bedrooms into an office, which he was using when they were together. She still worked in the library during the day, and he had a corner set up for him to work. He spent every available second with her, and he couldn’t think of better way to spend his time.
    “I’ve finished.”
    She was eating some cereal, and she moved behind him. He captured her waist, tugging her closer. They visited the club frequently, and they had even beaten several of the bets people had placed on them on how long they were going to last. Corey didn’t like that he was given a week before he moved onto another woman.
    There was no other woman. They played only together, and that was never going to change. Alexa more than satisfied him.
    For the first time in his life, he was actually happy.
    “This is it,” he said.
    “This is what makes me happy. It has taken me a long time to figure it out, but being with you, and writing. This is what I love to do.”
    “Can I read your story?”
    “Yes.” He had already organized for an editor, and Alexa had done some research for him as well. They were not going to hunt for an agent, and then a publisher. He was going to prepare everything online. Corey didn’t like conformation to any kind of rule.
    “One story down, another to go.”
    “I was checking and I’ve got ten stories that I’ve started, and not finished.”
    “No stress? No desire to have a heart attack?” she asked.
    “We’re on to being together for two months. Are you bored?” she asked.
    He shook his head. Tugging her down onto his lap, he took the bowl from her, and placed his hand on the inside of her thigh. “What I’m about to tell you is going to scare you a little, and you might not even believe me.”
    She played with the hair on the back of his neck. “I’m ready.”
    “I love you, Alexa Evans.”
    She paused. “You love me?”
    “Yes. I’m not the perfect guy, and you could have any guy you wanted. I love you. You’re my life, and you make me happy.”
    She cupped his cheek. “You make it hard for a girl to talk.” She leaned forward, and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I love you as well, and it scares me. I’ve never been in love before, and you’re making me question myself.”
    “Good. I’m about making you question yourself.”
    She chuckled, resting her head against his. “It’s a dark fantasy,” she said.
    “I don’t even know why it arouses me, but it’s something that also confuses me. One of my fantasies, the darkest one I have. It’s a, erm, a kidnapping fantasy, but it’s not the dangerous side. It’s stupid really. I like the idea of being held captive.”
    Corey smiled. The dungeon was strictly

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