Nights In Black Lace

Nights In Black Lace by Noelle Mack

Book: Nights In Black Lace by Noelle Mack Read Free Book Online
Authors: Noelle Mack
rain began to fall again, coming down hard out of clouds they couldn’t see in the night.
    â€œLet’s go!” He grabbed her hand and they ran the rest of the way, with her in the lead, trying not to twist her ankle on the cobblestones.
    They arrived at the door of her apartment building, breathless, laughing, and soaked to the skin, and raced up the marble stairs.
    Odette searched for her key while they both stood shivering on the mat, jamming it into the lock.
    Once inside, he took off his jacket and went to the bathroom to hang it up, pulling off his sweater on the way back. “You mind? This thing smells like a wet dog.”
    â€œOf course not. But I don’t have anything to give you to wear.”
    â€œNo? I was wondering if those briefs you gave me—”
    â€œA prototype.”
    â€œI remember. I’m just giving you a hard time.” He slid a hand down his jeans to adjust them. “But they need work. Back to the drawing board, Design Girl. I’ve been tugging my nuts all day.”
    She giggled. “I will make a note of that.”
    â€œSo you’re doing a line of men’s underwear?”
    â€œI might.”
    â€œNeed a model?”
    She only laughed. “You could do it, Bryan. You have a real-man look. Buff, but not too buff.”
    He ran a hand over his bare chest. “Would I have to get waxed?”
    â€œThen forget it.”
    â€œYou don’t have that much chest hair, Bryan. And none at all on your back. You are just right. Anyway, Marc says that fur is back.”
    His hand stopped. “Who’s Marc?”
    â€œMy assistant and right-hand man. He keeps me informed on trends in male fashion.”
    â€œI hope he’s gay.” At her nod, he grinned. “Good. I don’t have to be jealous.”
    â€œHe is a little jealous of me, put it that way.”
    â€œYou mean he knows who I am?” Bryan asked.
    â€œHe saw you at the show. But he says things like that to make me laugh. He thinks I work too hard.”
    â€œYou probably do.” He came closer. “Don’t you want to get out of that coat and stuff? You’ll catch cold.”
    â€œ Zut. Of course.” She let him remove her coat, shrugging out of the sleeves as he helped her out of it. “You distracted me, walking around half-naked.”
    He turned her around and rubbed her arms with his hands. “Did I?”
    Odette turned her face up to his to reply, but she didn’t get a chance. In another second, he was kissing her, deeply, warmly.
    She responded, caressing his chest, enjoying the way he trembled. “Cold hands,” he murmured into her mouth.
    Odette moved them to his waist, then over his lower back, and finally down into his jeans. She held his muscular butt while he went back to kissing her.
    â€œI think those briefs fit you just fine,” she whispered when the kiss stopped.
    â€œI still want to take them off,” he said. “But I’ll do it any way you want me to.”
    â€œInch by inch. Nice and slow.”
    Bryan laughed a little self-consciously. “You really know how to make a guy feel cheap.”
    Odette slid her hand around to the front of his jeans and got her fingers around his erection, stroking him as best she could. She didn’t have much room, not with a great big cock like his. “You have something very nice to show off, m’sieu. ”
    â€œHuh. Glad you like it.” He looked down at her slender hand inside his jeans. “It likes you.”
    She pouted her lips and blew a kiss at his cock, then laughed when he twitched it. “I guess so.”
    â€œTold you. C’mon, let’s get you undressed.”
    Odette shook her head. “I don’t want to be naked yet.”
    â€œFeeling shy?”
    â€œNo. I want to take my time. Besides, it is still cold in here—I should adjust the thermostat and—”
    â€œThat just

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