Night Marks

Night Marks by Amber Lynn

Book: Night Marks by Amber Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Lynn
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hoping you have good news for me.” Dude must have programmed my number in his phone. I love having super hearing, so I can hear both sides to this conversation.
    “No, Daddy, it’s me.”
    “Angel, you are in one piece I assume,” he replies changing his tone drastically.
    “Yes, Daddy. Nyx is taking us home now. Daddy, you really shouldn’t have worried. Everything is just great. I have all sorts of things we need to talk about, but I prefer to not do them with the current audience. “
    “You cannot expect me not to worry when you fall off the face of the earth and we knew that you were off with that pond scum Harvey.”
    “Daddy, that is part of what I want to talk to you about, later. For now, just know that I am fine and very happy. I will call you in an hour and we can discuss this further.” I bet she is one of the few people in his life that Mr. Willard isn’t able to walk all over.
    “Okay, Angel. I will wait for your call,” he tells her before disconnecting the call. She hands the phone back up towards Jonas who takes it and sets it in the console between us.
    I look back in the rearview to see what my passengers are up to. Felicity is snuggled into DH, DH is staring back at me in the mirror and Jake is scowling at DH. It occurs to me DH hasn’t said a word in the fifteen minutes he has graced our presence.
    “So Harvey,” I say holding his gaze, “what did you do to get on Daddy Dearest’s bad side?”
    He lights up seemingly just from the fact that I addressed him, which causes me to cringe.
    “Oh, Daddy just thinks Harvey is beneath us because he isn’t from one of the families in the neighborhood,” Felicity answers for him. He scowls slightly as she speaks. “It isn’t like Harvs doesn’t have money; he just doesn’t have a prestigious enough last name for Daddy. He will come around, especially with the baby.”
    “Of course he will, darling,” DH says, finally, allowing us to hear his voice and it isn’t anything to write home about. It is actually a little bit high for a man’s voice, if you ask me.
    “Do your friends ever speak?” Felicity asks realizing they haven’t spoken either.
    I look over to Jonas and he just raises his shoulders. “I haven’t removed their tongues, yet.”
    “Please don’t give her any ideas,” Jake pleads from the back.
    “See, my puppets speak. Don’t expect much from Jonas, though. He is the strong, silent type.” I look over at him and wink. He just smiles and nods. I think he is in overtime observing mode. I know I don’t have a ton of experience with demons and I imagine the guys don’t either.
    “You all seem pretty quiet to me. Most of my friends cannot stand a lull in the conversation, so we are all a bunch of talkers.” Just what I didn't want to spend thirty minutes in a vehicle with. Thankfully, we are halfway to our destination.
    “Yeah well, most things Jake says piss me off and, like I mentioned, Jonas only speaks when he has something important to say, so we try to keep the chatting to a minimum.”
    “That is too bad,” DH says. “I am sure you have a lot of interesting things to say yourself. Why don't you tell us about you?”
    I meet his eyes and the mirror, while grinding my teeth I say, “Not happening.” His face lights up showing me his pearly whites.
    “Maybe another time.”
    “Not happening,” I reiterate. God help me, if I have to deal with either of them after today.
    “We'll see,” he says softly. Probably even too soft for the woman sitting next to him to hear, but since he knows I am a paranorm I hear him loud and clear. Evidently, my two guard dogs do as well because they growl softly.
    DH thinks it is funny and laughs out loud causing Felicity to look over at him. “What's so funny?”
    “Oh nothing, sweetie. Just remembering a joke Roger was telling me at work the other day. I will tell it to you later. Look we are already home.”
    Thank God, he is correct and I pull into a parking spot

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