New Title 6

New Title 6 by Lila Rose

Book: New Title 6 by Lila Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lila Rose
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cleared my throat. “Actually, she only works a thirteen hour week.”
raised his eyebrows and turned to Deanna. “I guess all the colourfulness just
comes naturally.”
snorted. “That’s right, sugarplum. Anyway, now that I’ve had me fuckin’ fill of
all your shit, people, I better be off.” She rose from the table, bringing her
mug to the sink.
on you today?” Talon asked.
     Huh? What does he mean?
sighed loudly. “I don’t need no ass-wipe babysitter.”
that explained that.
phone rang; he answered with a gruff, “What? Yep, she is. That right. Ok.” He
flipped the phone closed and placed it back in his pocket. “Don’t fuckin’ move
a muscle,” he growled.
moved out of his arms and faced him with a glare. “Don’t you talk to me like
that; and I’m not moving, a-a-and keep down the tone. Maya’s still in the
smirked. “I wasn’t talkin’ to you, kitten.” He nodded over my shoulder. I
turned to see Deanna near the doorway looking out into the lounge with a tense
I asked.
squealed. “Whoo-boy, something’s going to go down. I so frigging love this
place. It’s like having your own private movie. Wait, I need a snack while
watching this.”
just had breakfast,” Mattie said, shaking his head.
I interrupted, and then spun back to Talon. “What’s wrong?”
was Griz on the phone; he asked Hell Mouth to wait while he had a quick shower.
He got out and she’d disappeared.”
turned back around, hands on her hips, and a scowl on her face. “Oh, come the
fuck on. I needed a coffee.”
could have waited.” Talon glared back at her. “Have some fuckin’ respect,
woman. Griz had a shit night; he doesn’t wanna deal with your crap all day, but
he is.”
She shook her head and looked at me. “This is what you call friendship; now I
have to put up with a body-fuckin’-guard all day and night.”
gasped. She was right; I was a terrible friend. All my past poo now affected
her life in more ways than she could handle. I know Deanna; she’d hate being
crowded all the time.
start all your wah, wah crap.” She rolled her eyes and walked over to me; our
gazes met. “You know I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love ya guts.”
nodded. She smiled, and the front door banged open.
your ass out here, woman, or you’ll be late for work,” Griz snarled.
coming,” Deanna yelled back. She sighed, hugged me, and made her way out. “See
you losers later.”

T alon and I walked Maya to school. We walked Maya—my daughter—to
school. As in together. Both of us walking with Maya, to school. Like a
real-life couple. It felt amazing. He held my hand; Maya held his other hand,
and as we walked, we talked. More like Maya talked to Talon, and I walked along
while trying not to bawl my eyes out, trip, or sing, “The hills are alive with
the sound of music.”
we got back to my place, he announced, “Kitten, I gotta take off for a while.
Blue’s coming over, but I’ll be back later before you hav’ta get Maya from
school. I’m gonna bring some of m’shit with me to keep here; saves me traveling
home every day.”
gulped. This was serious stuff; still, I couldn’t stop from saying, “Talon you
live right next door; it’s not that hard.”
laughed. “Babe, I don’t live there. I sometimes crash there when I’ve had too
much. I live out on some land in Buninyong.” He kissed me before I had a chance
to have a thought.
went to my tippy toes and tightly wrapped my arms around his neck. He growled
deep, sending a shiver to my fandola. I loved it when he did that. Our tongues
did the tango with an expertise of practiced partners.
don’t mind us.”
moved my head back enough to look over

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