New Markets - 02

New Markets - 02 by Kevin Rau

Book: New Markets - 02 by Kevin Rau Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kevin Rau
Tags: Science-Fiction
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your name, I don't care much.  Well, I do, I'd rather get news, too.  However, it’s more important to me to keep your guys safe."
    "I'd like to avoid deaths in our busts, though.  You three ended up with a dead perp here."
    "Yeah, that makes me mad, too.  None of us did the killing though, one of their own did that.  The other two injured guys might be injured, but they'll live."
    "Good point."  He held his hand out to Lance, who carefully shook it.
    From across the garage Agent Dimmer watched them through narrowed eyes.  Agent Willman's dealings with these mutant freaks was getting out of hand....

    Lance looked at Rael – he was still unconscious.  He asked one of the paramedics if he was all right.  After a confirmation that Rael was unconscious, but otherwise appeared uninjured, he decided to take Rael with him.  He sighed, picked up his friend, and began to leap back to Rael's car for the long drive home.

    Chapter 6 – Back to College
    Stephanie's Perspective
    I couldn't believe we completed the attack on the kidnappers and rescued Zena just before my next class began.  If I can make great time flying, I could get home, change, and make it to school right around class start.
    I kissed Lance on the cheek and thanked him, then ran out of the old garage.  Without even stopping I stepped up on my "air step" and jabbed my knee up hard.  I really didn't want to miss a second class this morning.
    I'd barely left the ground before hitting mach speed.  It was one of the fastest times getting to that speed yet.  I wonder if they heard it, I was so close to the ground.  Glad I was headed up at the time.  Okay, I just need to get home, throw on a shirt and a skirt, grab my backpack, and haul butt to school.
    The ground whipped past underneath me at an unbelievable pace.  Metrocity approached in a number of minutes, and I angled toward home.  I dropped out of mach speed near my rented home, and flew fast to the house.  I landed hard, barely staying on my feet in the process.  I might have made record time for grabbing a pink long tiered skirt and lucky jade 3-button henley shirt.  I quickly put them on over my costume, grabbed my backpack and rushed out the door, again stepping into the air and immediately jabbing my knee up for high acceleration.  I hit mach almost immediately again.  I wasn’t lined up straight, and made a large crazy arc in the sky before righting myself.
    I wonder if feeling rushed, or having adrenaline in the system kicks up my speed.  I’m pretty sure it took less time to get home than to get down to Rikesville.   During the flight I stripped off my gloves, mask and belt and stuffed them into the backpack.  Fortunately the white boots would go with the pink skirt.  Thank goodness for this aura that slows down wind shear.  If I had to do this with winds ripping at me I'd lose something....
    I planned to fly in very fast to the biology building I needed to be at, and then rush in.  I stopped pushing myself and dropped out of mach near school, but stayed at a few hundred miles an hour.  I wasn’t even certain how this all worked, as my speed simply decreased if I didn’t actively want to continue moving so fast, and yet to slow down below a hundred miles per hour or more I had to step down.  I dive bombed to the building once I saw it below me.
    I came in too fast again, my legs barely held me up from the impact on the ground, and I couldn’t stop my forward momentum from slamming me into the wall to the left of the door.  I stumbled backward stunned.  My arms flailed about as I tried to gain my balance and I ended up falling on my butt in front of the door.  I caught a fuzzy image of someone coming at me from inside the building, and a mindview appeared, though it was as unclear as my own vision.  My knees hurt a bit from the landing, although that sensation faded quickly.
    A few seconds later my vision cleared, as did the mindview.  A handsome student was

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