New Leaves, No Strings
hands go
to my hips and his fingers splay out across my bare flank pulling me back into
him. I leaned my head back against his shoulder and as his face touched mine
and I breathed him in, his scent was intoxicating.
    ‘God you smell good,’ I groaned.
    ‘Fuck it, forget the drink. I can’t
wait another moment to kiss you and the way I want to isn’t for public eyes.
Come with me,’ he commanded as he pulled back, grabbed my hand and led me to
the club exit. My head was spinning, girls were staring at me with jealousy
written all over their faces and I stifled a giggle. He turned and smiled,
melting me again.
    ‘What’s so funny?’
    ‘That you want me, of all of these
girls you could pick to have sex with, you went for me and I don’t understand why.’
    ‘Girls usually want me, for my
looks or my body, but I can see that with you it’s deeper. I feel a connection
with you Mia, I think you feel it too. I’ve already told you that I’ve studied
you and there’s nothing that I’m not attracted to. I even love your feisty attitude.
We haven’t even kissed yet and I don’t think I’ll ever get over you.’
    Christ, he was so full on, he had
no trouble expressing his thoughts, wants or desires and I wasn’t used to it.
His directness added to my nerves, but also really turned me on.
    ‘Didn’t you feel that way about Julie
or your other women?’
    ‘No, not about anyone. I was
passing time with them, but you … you’re different, you’re … how I imagined my version
of perfect to be,’ he said after a considered pause.
    O god he was too much, but it was
too late to turn back, I wanted him. He was right, it wasn’t just normal
physical attraction, I was hungry for him in a way I’d never been with any
other guy before. The heat between us was burning my lungs.
    As we exited the club and the cool
air of the outside came rushing to meet us, I gulped it in and saw he was doing
the same. We walked hand in hand, in silence, around to the back of the club
which backed onto the river. The moonlight bounced off the water and a gentle
breeze rushed through the leaves of the trees. It was a startling contrast to
the headiness and noise of the club we’d just left. You could barely hear the
pounding of the music through the thick brick walls of the building, but I was
sure Gabe could hear my heart pounding.
    ‘Where are we going? There’s
nothing but bushes, trees and water and I’m in some seriously dangerous heels.’
    ‘I’d noticed. Very impressive boots
that are having the desired effect, believe me.’
    He smiled at me then pushed his way
between a huge conifer and the club wall, pulling me behind him. As we passed through,
it opened up into a small grassy clearing. It was like a scene from The Lion, the
Witch and the Wardrobe, how many girls had he spirited here I wondered? He
gently pushed me back against the wall and stood with his hands either side of
my shoulders looking me up and down. I gasped as my nipples hardened and pushed
against the confines of my top, I started to throb as all my blood surged to my
pelvis and I could feel myself becoming wetter in anticipation of what was to
come. He didn’t even need to touch me, I could come right here with just a look
or a command.
    ‘Mia,’ he sighed as he put one hand
on my hip and the other against my cheek to cradle my face.
    I watched with bated breath as he
leaned in, his lips approaching mine again. I held my breath, giddy with
anticipation and this time, he finally kissed me. He was so gentle at first, I
could feel his soft lips covering mine, swelling the more he kissed me. The
sensation was like champagne bubbles exploding in my mouth and tinkling up to
the top of my head. I moaned into his mouth as he slowly flitted his tongue in
and out. He groaned and pushed harder against me with his lips and body and I
could feel his large erection pressed against me as his fingers dug into my
    His hand moved from my face to the
back of my head

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