Never Me

Never Me by Kate Stewart

Book: Never Me by Kate Stewart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Stewart
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the window down as the song filled my senses. It was old. I knew that. I had to stifle a giggle or two when I began to listen, but soon I was completely immersed in the melody, the words. It was beautiful. I felt the breeze lift my hair and turned to Spencer as it flew all around me. It was amazing. Spencer was amazing. He knew how to fill my senses with a simple song. This man was so ... cool. I smiled at him and nodded my head and his eyes gave me that knowing look. I watched the sun peek through the trees as Van Morrison sang about the mystic. My heart began to beat faster as the song got more intense. I loved it. I instantly loved it. I didn’t know what intrigued me more about Spencer, the way he looked or the way he was. He had that … that… Whoever the hell this man was, I was so thankful he was the one sitting beside me in that moment.
    It occurred to me that Spencer was being just as honest with me as I was with him. I shook my head as he slipped his hand in mine and he took it away. I kept my eyes out the window. We had said a lot today, but now I knew he had decided to share something else, another part of him. Music spoke volumes for him when he couldn’t and I secretly loved what he was saying.

    It was nightfall when we arrived in New Orleans. We checked into the same hotel, this time getting three rooms so we could all sleep comfortably and Jack and Amy could have some much needed alone time. As far as the question lingering if Spencer and I would share a room and let Rory and Ellie have the other, we let it linger. The girls all dumped their luggage in the same room and got dressed together. Ellie insisted I try on a red dress she bought the previous day, saying it showed too much skin. I tried not to take it as an insult, seeing as how I had her height beaten by at least a few inches. It would be ridiculous on me, but as soon as the material sank on my skin and I looked in the mirror, I let the argument fall away.
    “I knew it,” Ellie gasped as she motioned the girls to come look in the bathroom. It was made of silk and flowed perfectly around me. It hugged my every curve and was just long enough to go mid-thigh.
    “She looks hot, nothing new,” Rory said, walking off uninterested.
    “God, Nadine, you could be a model,” Amy said sweetly, peeking around Ellie to compliment me. It was the perfect dress to christen the Big Easy. I laughed at the thought. Maybe Spencer wouldn’t be able to resist me in this one.
    “Thanks, Amy, Ellie. I love it. How much do I owe you?”
    “A full confession when you get Spencer naked.” We gave each other a knowing smile and Amy blushed and walked away.
    “Yeah,” I heard her say as she rounded the corner, sticking her head back in the bathroom.
    “Can I ask you something?”
    Ellie winked at me and walked out of the bathroom, giving me alone time with Amy. I turned to her. She really was what I could only describe as a doll. Though she had Jacks pale skin and blonde hair, her lips were perfectly shaped and overly full. She looked like a blonde Snow White. Her hair was perfectly set around her face and she had a small dainty figure. Her skin was creamy and flawless. She would never know how jealous I was of the way she looked. She would never believe me.
    “What is Spencer like at home?”
    “The same, I guess. We don’t see him a lot. He takes care of his dad and barely has time to juggle the few cases he takes. Stressed, definitely more stressed back home. So you like him?”
    “It’s obvious I do. I’m just not sure why.”
    “Trust me, honey, he has blazed a trail across Philadelphia of women who ask themselves the same question. He was always beautiful. Always. Anywhere and everywhere we go they drop like flies and when they recover its total mayhem. I couldn’t help but overhear the talk the last couple of days. If you’re a girl who likes her fun, you have met one hell of a man to play with.”
    “Wow, so he’s the

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