Never Let Me Go (Welcome To Redemption)

Never Let Me Go (Welcome To Redemption) by Donna Marie Rogers

Book: Never Let Me Go (Welcome To Redemption) by Donna Marie Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Marie Rogers
up and moved on?
    Not that it mattered. Chase had come to a very important realization earlier as he’d gazed into the same blue eyes that had kept him up in a state of sexual frustration more nights than he could count—Hannah belonged to him. He’d been fighting his inner demons forever, convincing himself that they couldn’t be together for one reason or another: I’m too old for her, she’s too young for a serious relationship, Drew wouldn’t approve. All bullshit excuses to cover the truth—he was too big a coward to admit his true feelings. He loved her.
    Well, those days were over—Chase was more than ready to stake his claim. And his patience was wearing thin watching her flirt her little heart out with his partner. Hannah knew exactly where to stick the knife, and Mike, the shit, was more than happy to oblige her. But the infuriating woman was officially off the market, and if he had to beat that notion into Mike’s head, so be it.
    Hannah forked up a bit of meatball and held it to her lips as she nibbled and licked at it. Chase grew hard just watching her, and he was fairly certain the performance was strictly for his benefit. But a quick glance at Mike, who stared in rapt fascination, proved his friend wasn’t any more immune to Hannah’s charms than he was. Chase had to literally clutch the edge of the table in order to keep from decking the guy then and there.
    Hannah finally put Chase out of his misery and popped the rest of the meatball in her mouth. After washing it down with a sip of wine, she flashed that killer smile again at Mike. The clueless woman had no idea how close she was playing near the fire.
    “So, how’s that adorable little girl of yours? I haven’t seen her in a while.”
    Mike wiped his mouth before replying, “Maddie’s great. Getting so big I can hardly believe it. She starts school this fall.”
    “Wow, she’s growing fast. Seems like just yesterday you brought that little cutie home to Redemption. Bet your mom is going to miss her like crazy once school starts.”
    “Yeah, though she has plans for her grooming business, so she’ll have plenty to keep her busy.”
    “A storefront?”
    “Yep. But even more than that, a full on pet store. She plans to sell pet supplies, fish, kittens, puppies. I’m not sure if Redemption is in need of its own pet store with PetSmart just half an hour away in Green Bay, but she’s so excited about it, I don’t want to say anything to discourage her. I’ll just support her and hope the hell I’m wrong.”
    Hannah kicked her smile up a notch. “You’re a great guy, Officer Donovan.”
    “And I’ll make some lucky woman very happy one day?” he asked with a teasing lilt.
    Hannah laughed. “Oh yeah. Very happy.”
    “Hey, didn’t you mention chocolate cream pie?” Chase interrupted, on the verge of a cavity. No wonder Bernie wouldn’t give the guy the time of day if that was an example of the lame-ass lines he tossed at her. Chase knew his uncharitable thoughts were fueled by jealousy, but too damn bad. If Mike didn’t get the hell out soon, Chase might find himself behind bars for striking an officer.
    Hannah cast him an odd look. “I did. As soon as I clear the table, I’ll cut us each a slice.”
    “Here, let me help,” Mike offered as he shot from his chair.
    Chase also stood to help, but Hannah waved them both back down. “I’ve got it. Believe me, between my dad and Drew, I’ve had plenty of practice feeding and cleaning up after two grown men.”
    Hannah gathered the plates and set them in the sink, then pulled the pie box from the fridge and set it on the table. After setting out dessert plates, forks, and a knife, she muttered “Crap, I forgot,” and shot a look up at the clock.
    “What is it?” Chase asked.
    “I was supposed to call my dad. I’m going to run upstairs for some privacy. Would one of you mind cutting the pie? I won’t be long.”
    “I’ve got it,” Chase assured her. “Go make your

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