Never Give You Up

Never Give You Up by Shady Grace

Book: Never Give You Up by Shady Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shady Grace
underworld was the only life he knew.
    But Colton loved his son more than anything in the world. He should’ve been a better father. Should’ve been a better husband. Should’ve…
    Bile stung his throat. Maybe it was his own life’s blood.
    “Shhh, it’ll be over soon,” a familiar voice whispered as the breath from his lungs departed.
    He blinked in surprise, knowing that voice well. “But, how—”
    “This is what you deserve for what you did to my family.”
    “ N-no .”
    “Once I have your son the power is all mine.”
    He tried to speak, to beg for his life and his son’s, but nothing more than a strangled whimper escaped his trembling lips.
    No amount of money could save a man already dying.
    Hot tears slid down his cheeks.
    The room spun, his head felt heavy as his body weakened. His hands fell to his sides as violent tremors racked his body. He tried to fight it, but he was too frail.
    And then he saw Eliza smiling at him, her beautiful face beckoning him. He reached for her, ready to be guided by his loving wife into the grey unknown.
    His eyes rolled back as he expelled his last shuddering breath.

Chapter 6
    Mary rolled onto her side and hugged her pillow, dreading having to face Terry today. After her little nap on his lap yesterday evening, she’d woke alone on the couch to a house filled with the delicious aroma of homemade pasta sauce.
    Finding him standing there over the stove tasting the sauce and making his way around as if he’d been there for years, filled her with comfort, yet she couldn’t shake the terrible feeling that this was all wrong. Having a man in her house this soon after Tom’s death didn’t seem natural.
    She wanted company, yet she wanted to be alone at the same time.
    They’d eaten in relative silence, only a few words exchanged, and after several drinks, Terry decided to sleep in his vehicle for the night. When she’d asked why he didn’t return to the hotel he simply said he wouldn’t drink and drive.
    She covered her eyes with her forearm, feeling like a total asshole and wanting to shrink away from the world, from him. She should’ve offered the guest bedroom, especially since he’d taken such good care of her, but she didn’t argue with his decision. She’d gone to bed with a full stomach, completely embarrassed and feeling like the worst hostess on earth.
    With a big yawn, she pushed up from bed and put on whatever clothes were within easy reach. When she made her way into the kitchen, the scent of freshly brewed coffee was a pleasant surprise. The man was self-sufficient and clearly comfortable despite what happened yesterday. She poured a cup for herself and paused at the distinct sound of wood chopping.
    She plodded over to the living room window and stopped dead at the view outside.
    Standing with his feet shoulder-width apart, wearing jogging pants and no shirt, Terry lifted the axe and swung it down with deadly precision. The log split in half and tumbled to each side where a decent amount had already piled up. By the looks of it he must’ve started several hours ago.
    She eyed his naked torso. Holy hell, he had a lot of muscle for a tall, thinly built man. But he was athletic and lithe, powerful and sure of himself. As he lifted the axe above his head, she eyed the delicious play of muscle rippling as he swung it back down to split another log.
    She took a sip of coffee, content to stand there watching him. After all, she hadn’t seen such a splendid, half-naked man for many years. He rested the axe against his thigh and lifted his other arm to wipe the sweat from his brow. His blond hair was soaked, dripping down his shoulders and back. Maybe she shouldn’t be watching him like this, but she was a woman, and she had needs and desires like anyone else.
    Terry turned at that moment and smiled. Mary stepped away from the window, her cheeks on fire, and the junction of her thighs too hot to handle. How embarrassing to be caught staring at him

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