Never Forget (Memories)

Never Forget (Memories) by Emma Hart Page B

Book: Never Forget (Memories) by Emma Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Hart
Tags: english eBooks
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be afraid of anything again."
    My breath hitches and my eyes shut as he dips his face towards mine.
    "Lexy, Alec! Dinner.. Oh sugarplum fairies!" I hear Gram call out. "My bad, my bad! Whenever you're um.. Whenever you're ready, kids."
    Alec groans softly and I exhale, opening my eyes. I step back from him.
    "We should go and get cleaned up." I run my fingers through my hair, shaking mud clumps from it.
    "Yeah, I guess." Alec looks at me longingly and I flush.
    I clear my throat. "Good old Gram."
    "Yeah, she has great timing," Alec rolls his eyes and puts his arm over my shoulders. "As long as she's not around next time I try to kiss you, we'll be good."
    Next time?



    ''Fancy going for dinner?'' Alec calls from the side of the road. I lean out of my window.
    ''With you?''
    ''No, with the Moomins,'' he shouts back.
    ''In that case, count me in!'' I laugh. ''Five minutes, okay?''
    I pull the window shut and slide my feet into my white pumps. I check my reflection quickly in the mirror and satisfied, I grab my phone and run downstairs.
    ''I'm going out for dinner. Bye!'' I yell.
    ''Say hi to lover boy!'' Grammy cackles. I ignore her. Silly woman.
    I walk calmly down the pathway, a harsh contrast to my skippy-dance down the stairs. Sheesh. I'm turning into one of those girls. Shoot me. Now.
    Alec beams as I get into the car, his dimples out in full force.
    ''Afternoon,'' he says and pulls away.
    ''Afternoon. Where are we going?''
    ''My house.''
    I blink. ''Your house?''
    ''Yep.'' He glances at me. ''No need to seem so scared. I can cook, you know.''
    ''Good to know.''
    ''And if I can't, Mum will be there to take over.''
    ''Wait, wait, WHAT?'' I turn and grip my seat. ''Your mum?''
    ''Yeah.'' He shrugs. ''She's usually there at dinnertime, you know, family thing?''
    ''You're taking me to meet your mum?''
    ''If you wanna put it that way, then yes, but personally I think it sounds a lot better if we said 'dinner at Alec's, and his mum just happens to be there,' don't you agree?''
    ''Don't try and butter me up, Alec Johnson. You could have warned me,'' I huff.
    ''Where would the fun be in that, huh?'' He grins playfully and I narrow my eyes, giving his thigh a light backhand.
    ''You're so mean to me.''
    ''Oh, yes.'' He rolls his eyes. ''I'm so cruel to you. How can you bear to be in my company?''
    ''Oh, shut up.'' I laugh and he pulls up outside a small, white house. Little flowers sit on the windowsill in a window box and pots of bright flowers are on either side of the bright red door.
    Alec opens my door and gives me his hand. ''Come on. She doesn't bite.''
    ''I'd hope not,'' I say and climb out. ''I can't believe you coerced me into this. Really.''
    ''I didn't coerce you into anything.'' He pushes the door open. ''I merely left out a few minor details.''
    I glare at him and he shrugs one shoulder, pulling me into a light green living room. Pictures of Alec, a copper haired woman I assume is his Mum, and a dark haired man litter the walls and the mantle above the fire. The cream sofa is dotted with cushions and sitting there elegantly, is the woman from the pictures.
    She turns to me with a dazzling smile, bright blue eyes taking me in. Her smile widens and I can't help but smile back as she stands. Her copper hair curls around her shoulder in smooth ringlets and I can see where Alec gets his good looks. His Mum is beautiful.
    ''You must be Alexis.'' She hugs me. ''I'm Joanne, Alec's Mum. Call me Jo.''
    ''I am. You can call me Lexy.'' I hug her back gently.
    ''I've heard so much about you,'' she gushes, gesturing for me to sit.
    ''Have you?'' I glance at Alec and he puts his hands behind his back, whistling. I smirk.
    ''Alec, honey, don't you have a meal to cook?'' Jo raises her eyebrows and Alec gives a thumbs up, disappearing into what is presumably the kitchen. Jo turns back to me. ''I'm assuming Alec hasn't told you much about himself, but don't worry, I'm prepared.''
    She winks and reaches behind the

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