Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1)

Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1) by Lindsey Gray

Book: Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1) by Lindsey Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsey Gray
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her sides and the color drained from her face.
    “Should I—” She cleared her throat. “Should I get my gear ready? Cherry seems to think I could do well in the ring.”
    Rob lifted the corner of his mouth while he tried to swallow his laughter. She seemed nervous about meeting his father again, but she was still trying to make a joke.
    “I don't think things will go that far, but I will say I wouldn't mind seeing you in the ring. I'd take a tumble with you, show you some moves.”
    Emma relaxed at his attempt at humor. “I'm sure you would.” She shook her head and the color returned to her cheeks. “I think having your father in Chicago is a fantastic idea. Kelly can arrange flight and accommodations. Would your mother be coming as well?”
    “Yes, I would think so.”
    “I'll make the call personally in the morning. See you back in Boston.”
    Rob nodded and walked further down the corridor, wondering how exactly he would introduce Emma to his mother.

    As the plane taxied at Logan International Airport in Boston the following morning, the captain gave the go-ahead to turn back on electronic devices. Emma grabbed her cell phone and dialed the number she needed, hoping the conversation would be somewhat civilized.
    “Hello?” a soft, but firm voice answered.
    “This is Emma MacLean. Can I speak with Robert Breyer, please?”
    “Miss MacLean,” the woman answered back with enthusiasm. “He's not in. I'm Lisa Breyer, Big Bobby's wife.”
    “So wonderful to talk to you, Mrs. Breyer.”
    “Surprising to hear after the conversation you had with my son last night.”
    Emma's voice caught in her throat.
    How do I respond to that?
    “Oh, hon, I understand how things are. I was a wrestler’s wife and manager for way too many years. I'm sure you meant nothing by it. But Big Bobby does take things a bit personal.”
    “Your husband is one of the reasons I called. I wondered if Big Bobby, and you of course, would be willing to come out to Chicago next Monday for the show. I'm not so sure I want to square off with Big Bobby, but the guys think I can handle him.”
    Lisa laughed at the comment. “I'm sure you can. If Big Bobby could be half as charmed as my son seems to be, I think you'll be all right.”
    “Charmed?” Emma got caught in the moment. Had Rob told his mother about her? What did she think of her son and his new boss?
    “Oh, Emma. My boy was crazy about you after one meeting.”
    “I'm not sure what you mean.” Being coy was her only idea of how to get information at the moment.
    “He came home after he met you in Boston. He was supposed to be with Big Bobby for three more weeks, but after he met you, things were different. He said meeting you was like finding the woman you never knew you needed and grieving when you lost her. It was a few months before he snapped back. When he saw you again at the regional finals, he got heartsick all over again.”
    “I never meant to cause him any pain. I was in a relationship both times I met him.” Rob was the one who got away, but she never realized he felt the same way about her.
    “You aren't now.”
    “No, ma'am.”
    “And the way my boy looks at you now, is the same way he looked when he would talk about all the wonders of Emma MacLean. A mother recognizes those kinds of smiles. He's fallen for you again and I don't think he's the only one.”
    Lisa had Emma pegged. She'd never even met the woman, but Lisa already had an insight into Emma's soul.
    “You might be right,” Emma whispered. She shook her head a bit to rein in her thoughts. “About Monday. Do you think you'll be able to come?”
    “We'll be there, hon.”
    “Excellent. We'll take care of your flight and accommodations. My assistant, Kelly Merchant, will give you a call with all the details.”
    “Can't wait to meet you. Tell my boy to give his mother a call ever once in a while, will you?”
    “I will. Thank you, Mrs. Breyer. I'll see you Monday.”

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