
Nephilim by Sammy King

Book: Nephilim by Sammy King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sammy King
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activities both Paranatural and human’s working together. There was a sea of chatter and Ada scanned the room to find where Karla was. She saw the small meek woman sitting beside her Father. She looked tiny against her Father’s frame. Ada went to where they sat in front of a laptop computer.
    “Hey, have you found something?” she asked avoiding her Father’s stare.
    ‘You could have showered first’ Kade spoke into her mind.
    Ada blushed instantly as she flicked her eyes up to him, a sly smile crept across his face. Ada shook her head and focused her attention back to Karla who seemed none the wiser.
    “Yes we have” she said. “We found where Abaddon is hiding out.”
    Ada leaned forward to look at the computer screen that Karla turned towards her. She could see the little red dot flashing on the screen of google maps. Ada’s colour instantly drained as she realised that the dot flashed right next door to Ada’s home. She looked up at her Father who nodded at her and Karla frowned.
    “Ada you can’t go back home. We have got someone on the inside, Abaddon doesn’t know they are part of the authority, but you can’t go home, you’re not safe there. I don’t know how you’ve managed to stay out of his grasp this long” Karla said with a shake of her head.
    “He hasn’t had a use for me as yet” Ada spoke quietly.
    Ada looked between Kade and Karla.
    “There is something else isn’t there?” she asked.
    Karla cleared her throat and nodded.
    “We found out that he has a son. We always thought your Dad was the only Nephilim left alive. But it seems that Abaddon had a son hidden away.” Karla explained.
    “How did you find that out?” Ada asked incredulously.
    “Our source said that they heard Abaddon talking to a male. He called him son, he was sharing his plans with his son” Karla replied.
    “Who is the son?” Ada asked.
    Kade shook his head and ran his hand over his face.
    “We don’t know” he said “All we know is that when Abaddon was arrested he had left with a Witch. That same Witch turned up dead two days ago and we can only assume that she is the Nephilim’s Mother.”
    Ada widened her eyes in shock.
    “So do you think it was the son that helped Abaddon escape? And was it Abaddon who killed the Witch?” Ada asked looking between Karla and Kade.
    “Yes we believe the son helped Abaddon escape, but without a name or even a description of the son, we are no closer to narrowing it down. As for the Witch she died from a very powerful Demon toxin” Karla said shaking her head.
    “So Abaddon” Ada said.
    Karla nodded rubbing her eyes. Ada could see that she had been working hard on the case, she had bags under her eyes and her energy was really low.
    ‘Is she going to be alright?’ Ada asked her Father silently
    Kade gave a little nod. Ada stretched and ran her hands through her hair, pulling it into a pony tail.
    “Ada where is your amulet?” Kade asked frowning.
    Ada reached up to her neck and touched where her amulet should have been. She could feel panic build in her heart. She hadn’t remembered taking it off, she never took it off. Ada even showered with her amulet. In fact she hadn’t removed it since the day her Mother gave it to her.
    “Oh my god” she cried as she stood up knocking the chair over “where is Dane?”
    Karla frowned and stood up.
    “You were with Dane?” Kade asked, irritation instantly seeping into his voice.
    Ada nodded as a tear slipped from her eye and down her cheek.
    “I need to go home, I need to see if the amulet is there” she said as she raced from the building to her car.
    As she reached her car she noticed the small piece of white paper that stuck out from under her window wiper. She opened it up, written were the words ‘I’m Sorry’. Ada instantly recognised the hand writing. It was the same writing that Abaddon’s note had been written in. She frowned and rubbed at her face.
    “Oh Dane, what have you done?” she

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