Neil, Louisa - Pyxis Island Triangle (Siren Publishing Ménage And More)

Neil, Louisa - Pyxis Island Triangle (Siren Publishing Ménage And More) by Louisa Neil

Book: Neil, Louisa - Pyxis Island Triangle (Siren Publishing Ménage And More) by Louisa Neil Read Free Book Online
Authors: Louisa Neil
time Ben had seen him look like a doctor, more a surgeon, he decided. It crossed his mind to wonder if Wyatt was naked underneath. Ben’s cock stirred, but he refused to acknowledge the growing bulge in his pants.
    “Small steps, my dear boy, small steps.” Wyatt seemed quite pleased with himself, his manner much more relaxed and jubilant than Ben had ever experienced. “A small accomplishment, long fought for. Of course, I can’t tell you about the specifics. Suffice it to say medicine has advanced today, thanks to Lila and her forethought.”
    “And my money, darling, don’t forget the money.”
    Ben glanced to the far side of the room and watched Lila enter from a side entrance. Her hair was gloriously loose around her shoulders, and she wore a matching set of surgical scrubs as Wyatt. This was the first time he’d seen her in any other shoe than a high heel. Tonight, she, too, stood in black clogs. Her top seemed altered to show her curves and was deeper cut along her bustline than most regulation scrubs. Even without heels, Ben realized she was a tall, lean woman. “Lila, congratulations, you look lovely tonight. I’ve never seen you in the lab.”
    “Really, Ben, the accomplishment is all Wyatt’s, but I’ll accept the compliment.” Lila wandered to Wyatt, accepting the glass of wine he offered her. “So, Ben, are you in the mood to celebrate with us, something new and…private?” She winked at him.
    Ben knew his cheeks heated and managed to hold himself from running to her side. “Of course,” he said, but his voice was an octave higher than his normal tone. Clearing his throat, he tried again. “Of course,” he said, suddenly nervous.
    “Let’s go somewhere more private,” Lila said, crooking her finger toward him. He moved automatically beside her, and Wyatt snugged up behind him. Ben was suddenly in heaven, Lila was kissing his mouth, and Wyatt was nipping at the back of his neck.
    “He’s got way too much clothing on, don’t you think, Lila?”
    “Let’s go to the examination room.” Reaching down, she grasped Ben’s hand and tugged him to follow her. He was in a set of back tunnels he’d never seen before, in person or on any plans. They moved past several office-type doors and then down a staircase. Ben didn’t know this lower level existed and tried to take in as much as he could as they walked through the space. “Questions later, Ben,” Lila said, answering his question before he could ask it.
    Halfway down the hall, she paused before a blank door with no number or name plaque. Lila used her finger on the image scanner to open the door. Ben heard the whoosh of air as the door moved inward, the rush of fresh air on his face reinforcing they were entering a clean room of sorts. That meant no air went out without being micro filtered. Inside, it could have been any other medical examination room he’d ever sat in waiting half naked to see a doctor.
    While it wasn’t completely cold and sterile, he observed it was still a medical facility of sorts. Centered in the space was a large, padded examination table. With a quick glance, he saw sets of dials and buttons on the side and knew this table would take many positions. He continued to scan the room, mostly all steel cabinets and countertops. There was nothing on the counters. There was, however, a metal tray which was covered with a small towel on a waist-height stand near the exam table. It was then he noted the stirrup straps which were folded into a table-height position. Ben got an instant visual of himself on that table with his legs held high in the stirrups exposed to whoever stood before him for whatever they might have in mind.
    “This is quite a place,” he managed to squeak out. Lila moved forward and took the wine glass from his hand. He noticed Wyatt was leaning against a counter behind him, sipping his wine.
    “It serves its purpose,” Lila told him with a smile, leaning forward to drop a light kiss on his

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