Negotiation Tactics

Negotiation Tactics by Lori Ryan [romance/suspense] Page B

Book: Negotiation Tactics by Lori Ryan [romance/suspense] Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Ryan [romance/suspense]
Tags: romantic suspense
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hospital food doesn’t exactly sound appealing,” Kelly said.
    The two women talked about babies and the size of tiny fingernails for another thirty minutes. Jennie suspected Kelly would bring up the Florida trip and she wasn’t wrong.
    “So, does Chad think you guys are in danger because of what you found in Florida?” Kelly asked. She had a strange look on her face.
    “We’re not sure what’s going to happen yet. We met with Jonathan Masters to tell him what I overheard and it was awful, Kelly. The poor man was so shocked. I think he always knew his nephews were lazy but you could tell he had no idea they would do something like this. Then it hit him that they’d put his whole family at risk with this. The federal government will most likely seize the resort and if they try to go after the winery, the rest of the family could lose everything. His grandkids would lose their inheritance, all of it. Never mind the fact that the feds could decide to arrest Jonathan as well,” Jennie said.
    “I can’t believe how selfish and stupid the nephews have been. You met them, right? What are they like?” Kelly asked.
    Jennie shook her head. “Just arrogant and useless, for the most part. I can tell you one thing; I doubt they were the brains behind this. They aren’t very bright at all. When you talk to Jonathan, it’s hard to believe they’re even related to him. He’s the sweetest man. He totally understood when Jack told him we needed to report this. He wasn’t angry at us at all.”
    Kelly picked at the blanket covering her in the hospital bed. “So, you and Chad will have to testify?”
    Jennie nodded. “Most likely. And, mostly me. They may not need Chad at all since it was me who heard the brothers talking. But, Chad said federal investigations take a very long time. The FBI is notorious for investigations that last as many as five years, or even more. They tie everything up in a bow and won’t go to trial until they have mountains of evidence ready to go. Jonathan Masters is getting his nephews a lawyer and he and the lawyer are going to get the nephews to turn themselves in. Chad says at that point the feds will probably send the brothers back in to feed them evidence against the building inspector. The amount of money that was going through there couldn’t be from a single inspector taking bribes. The FBI is going to want to know who they were cleaning money for. They may end up not needing my testimony at all when the brothers start collecting evidence for them.”
    Jennie looked up to see that strange look on Kelly’s face again.
    “Um, Jennie, I need to tell you––” Kelly started as the door opened and Chad and Jack walked back into the room.
    “Hey, Sweetheart, how are my girls?” asked Jack. He looked almost as worn out as Kelly but every bit as happy.
    Jennie felt Chad’s eyes on her and then the walls seemed to be closing in as if the room was filled with too many people. Oh, who was she kidding? It was Chad’s presence that made the walls close in on her. Jennie suddenly felt like she’d never be able to take a deep breath again. She hated that her body responded so strongly to him – even more so, since their one night in Florida. It was as if her body now knew what it could have and it wasn’t willing to let go, even though Jennie ordered it to forget.
    “I’m going to get going, guys. Kelly, I’ll stop by tomorrow. They’ll keep you here for two days, right? I can bring lunch tomorrow if you want,” Jennie said as she scooped up her purse and moved to the door.
    “Oh, you don’t have to go. You just got here,” Kelly said.
    Jennie smiled and shook her head. “I’ll be back. I’ll come hold her while you nap tomorrow. Promise. I’ve got some errands to run now, though.”
    They said good-byes and Jennie slipped from the room, finally taking a deep breath as she started down the hall.
    “Jen!” Chad called from behind her.
    Jennie turned to find Chad coming

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