Negotiation Tactics

Negotiation Tactics by Lori Ryan [romance/suspense] Page A

Book: Negotiation Tactics by Lori Ryan [romance/suspense] Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Ryan [romance/suspense]
Tags: romantic suspense
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knew he’d get her out of this. God, he loved this woman – even when she was playing dumb.
    Chad scooped her up in his arms. “I’ve got you, Babe. I’ll take care of you.” He dropped a kiss to her mouth and began to walk down the hall, carrying Jennie away from the nephews. These yahoos didn’t worry him. It was the people they most likely worked for that had him sweating.
    One of the nephews grabbed Chad’s arm as he turned away and Chad felt Jennie tighten her hold on his neck.
    “Hey wait,” the idiot nephew said.
    Chad turned, looking down at the man’s hand on his arm. “Yeah?” he grunted, staring down the smaller man before staring directly into the other man’s eyes. Chad knew most guys wouldn’t argue with him when he turned up his scowl. He waited a half beat but the guy didn’t say anything. The nephew dropped his arm and stepped back as Chad turned and left.
    He didn’t look back. He walked through the door to the lobby then set Jennie on her feet. They walked out the front doors of the resort and Jennie slipped into one of the cabs waiting in the circular drive. Chad stood guard by the side of the cab while their luggage was loaded. He handed her a wad of cash. If he spotted the brothers, he’d tell the driver to leave with Jennie and he’d catch up to her after dealing with Matt and Alan.
    As he expected, the brothers didn’t show. The luggage was loaded and Chad whisked Jennie away. They didn’t slow down until they reached the airstrip and boarded the small private jet Jack had waiting for them. And Chad didn’t breathe easy again until Jennie was back in Connecticut, safely at home.

Chapter Eighteen
    Jennie walked down the hospital hallway, smiling absentmindedly at people she passed in the hall. She knew she would likely see Chad for the first time in three days when she arrived in Kelly’s hospital room – she couldn’t exactly avoid the situation.
    Kelly had given birth to Madeleine Sophie Sutton three hours earlier. Jennie couldn’t wait to hold such a tiny new life in her arms. Even the nerves she felt at the prospect of seeing Chad for the first time since they returned from Florida wasn’t scary enough to keep her away from her best friend today.
    Jennie found the room and knocked on the door.
    “Come in,” came Kelly’s voice from the other side.
    Jennie pushed open the door and found Kelly sitting up in bed. A mass of pillows propped her up. She looked tired, but happier than Jennie had ever seen her. In her arms was a tiny pink creature with a scrunched up face. She was ugly and beautiful, all at the same time.
    And she was awake! Wide eyes looked up at Kelly as Kelly beamed at Jennie.
    “Oh, Kelly. She’s beautiful,” Jennie said as she sat on the edge of her friend’s bed.
    “I can’t believe she’s finally here. I never want to put her down,” Kelly said.
    “Does that mean I don’t get to hold her?” Jennie laughed. “I washed my hands and everything,” she said, holding her hands up.
    Kelly laughed and transferred Maddy into Jennie’s arms. She was swaddled tightly in a striped blanket and she gazed up at Jennie. As Jennie watched, tired lids sank down over her eyes. Within minutes, Maddy slept soundly in her arms.
    “Wow. I think I could watch her forever,” Jennie said.
    “I know. They say newborns sleep for long stretches in the first one or two days. After that, we’re supposedly in for feedings every two hours and nights without a lot of sleep. I’m trying to soak up the fun stuff right now,” Kelly said.
    “Well, I’ll come over and give you a break whenever you need it. You just call.” She looked around the room for Jack. “Speaking of breaks, where is Jack?”
    “He and Chad went out to get me some real food. The nurses said I can eat soon and Jack didn’t want me to have to eat hospital food. I have to admit, I was a bit relieved. I’m starving after so many hours with nothing but ice chips and popsicles. And,

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