Need You Tonight
Tessa’s pale, shaking one, giving
     it a squeeze. “And if this opportunity doesn’t work out, there will be more. I’ve
     been sending letters to lots of potential donors. Something will come through. You’ve
     created a good thing here. Others will see that and want to help.”
    Tessa nodded, trying to absorb some of the older woman’s confidence and shake off
     the veil of guilt that tried to envelop her at Iris’s assertion. Yes, Tessa had created
     good things here by coming up with the concept and providing the funds via her ex-husband.
     But the day-to-day miracles belonged to the woman behind the desk and the rest of
     the staff. The pictures lining the walls were of kids with employees and volunteers
     who were in the trenches here day to day. The only photos of Tessa were one from opening
     day when she’d cut the ribbon they’d tied around the building and another at an awards
     ceremony. In the grand scheme of it all, Tessa’s role was remote and minor at best—the
     face of the charity but not the backbone. That fact hadn’t bothered her before, but
     now it dug into her gut like a burr, sticking there and reminding her of its presence
     with every breath.
    She so didn’t deserve to be the person representing the charity to some bigwig donor
     today, but it looked like there was no way around it. And maybe, if by some miracle
     she could pull this off, it would help make up a little for her hands-off approach
     the last few years.
    She gathered all of her documents and stood. “Thank you, Iris, for the pep talk and
     for everything you do here. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the way you put
     your soul into this place.”
    Iris rose from behind her desk and came around to give Tessa a hug. The move made
     Tessa stiffen with surprise, but soon she found herself returning the gesture. Iris
     pulled back and patted Tessa’s cheek. “It’s my pleasure, dear. And we’re glad to have
     you here in town with us now. That man was no good for you.”
    Tessa laughed, caught off guard by the woman’s candor. Usually, she was the consummate
     professional, never uttering an unkind word toward anyone, except maybe the occasional
bless his heart
. “I couldn’t agree with you more.”
    “Now, go get us that money, girl,” Iris said with a grin. “And don’t you be a stranger
     around here. This is your home as much as it is ours.”
    “Yes, ma’am,” Tessa said, feeling an old twinge at the word
. That simple word had always been such a fleeting concept in her life. Any time she
     thought she had fledgling roots starting to dig in, the sand shifted beneath her again
     and the rain washed them away. And here once more, life was trying to pull something
     else out from beneath her.
    No, not life this time.
    The bolt of anger that flashed through her at the thought had her shoulders pulling
     back and her chin tipping up. No freaking way was she letting him win.
    No matter what she had to do, she was going to get this money.
    She gave Iris a quick good-bye and headed to her car with renewed resolve. Watch out,
     Mr. CEO, because Tessa McAllen wasn’t taking no for an answer today.
    Tessa’s confidence flagged slightly when she arrived downtown and stared up at the
     gleaming building that held Vandergriff Industries, but she didn’t have time to let
     all the insecurities rush back in. Her appointment was in less than fifteen minutes,
     and being late was not an option. She hurried to the bank of elevators and punched
     the button for the twenty-second floor. On the ride up, she read over the bullet points
     she’d typed into her phone and practiced her spiel in her head.
    Fake it ’til you make it.
The little tome Sam had offered kept replaying in her mind. If Tessa acted like she
     was confident and well-informed, people would believe it. That was the theory at least.
     And she
well-informed about the charity. Confident? Well, that’d require the faking part.

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