Naughty Little Wishes (Birthday Dare)
on it. Being the guy lucky enough to stand next to the beautiful girl meant he had to look the part. He couldn’t go back to that. The first designer suit he put on, he’d look in the mirror and see the man who’d failed Shana and ruined her life.
    She dropped her hands. “You’re going to be late.” With her first step back, their long-weekend plans started fizzling away.
    “Hold on.” Drew snagged her by the waist. “This weekend wasn’t just about us at the beach.” He tilted up her chin. “You didn’t have to help me with Bob and Natalie. It means a lot to me. I wanted to thank you properly. If you’ll let me. I’ll pay the fees for changing your flight reservation to Virginia.”
    “Changing flights is only part of it.” She looked conflicted. “I’d planned on catching up on admin stuff the first day. As long as there’s an internet connection, I could do that at the beach, though. And my designer friends probably wouldn’t mind if I reschedule to dinner meetings later in the week, but I can’t cancel on my clients. I’d have to be there no later than Wednesday morning.”
    “Then do it. Please.” He pressed quick kisses to her lips, determined to make her silent worries and her frown go away.
    Her lips softened. “You never say please.”
    “See? You’re convincing me to make changes already. If you say yes, I’ll devote quality time into making you breakfast the entire weekend.”
    She linked her hands around his neck. “That’s too easy. All you need is a spoon and big bowl.”
    He smoothed his hands to the back of her thighs and inched up the hem of her nightie. “We’ve really got to work on our communication. We have too many misunderstandings.”
    She laughed. “Did I miss something? We were just talking about breakfast.”
    He cupped her smooth, bare bottom and traced over the lower curves. Her lips parted with a sigh, and her shallow breaths heated his lips as he caressed inward. His impending departure was swamped by the fog of lust clouding his mind. They didn’t have time to hunt down a condom, but there were other ways to please.
    Drew sat her on the edge of the counter. “No, we were talking about me making you breakfast.” As he slid his hands up from her knees, she followed his lead and opened her thighs.
    “I think I get it now.” Tab shrugged her robe off her shoulders and slid down the straps of her nightie. “Am I with you now?” She cupped her breasts and tweaked her rosy nipples, sighing with self-pleasure.
    “You read my mind.” He knelt down between her legs. Her wet pussy and swollen clit made his mouth water. He licked up her seam and tongued her clit. She writhed, and he held her hips, plunging deeper, savoring her moans and the taste of desire. Breakfast served.
    Drew leaned back in the chair and analyzed what he saw on the presentation screen. “So essentially, you’ll need to extend training.”
    The head instructor for the facility nodded. “The new groups we’re bringing in have a mix of seasoned former military, federal agency types, police officers, we even have a bounty hunter in the mix. Different skill sets, different knowledge. All good, but it’s not just about if they can earn a spot. They also have to earn respect from the professional standing next to them who might think their experiences make them more qualified. You want a team walking out of here when training is done. You’ve got to give them more time to gel.”
    From the expression of the other instructors and heads of the facility sitting around the table, they agreed.
    Drew jotted down notes to discuss with Devin. “All right, show me the plan.”
    One of the other instructors got up to continue the presentation. While he set up, Drew glanced at his phone. A text had come in but he’d ignored it. If it pertained to urgent business, someone would have pulled him out of the meeting.
    Since he’d arrived two days ago, he’d stayed in constant motion. He had to

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