Natural Law

Natural Law by Joey W. Hill

Book: Natural Law by Joey W. Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joey W. Hill
I’m going to keep pushing you until I have all of you, not just the cock you’re so free with. It’s time you start realizing that having a Mistress means everything is hers, as I said before. Your heart, your mind, your soul and your body. Cock, ass, whatever I want of you is what you give me, and if you can’t get that through your thick skull, it’s going to get way rougher before it gets easier.”
    “You’re the one making this harder,” he said, with a look in his eyes she was beginning to anticipate. “You’re a cock tease.” Violet tossed the towel to the side.
    “You know, you get mean when you get scared, Mackenzie, but you’re not going to drive me off. You want some punishment? You got it. I can be the bitch of your dreams, sugar , but I can also be so much more. If you’ll stop being such a chicken-hearted bastard, you’ll find that out.”

    Joey W. Hill
    She went to her bag of personal belongings and withdrew something she hadn’t anticipated using tonight. Something that made his eyes go dark with apprehension.
    “You’re not putting that in me.”
    “Really? Of course not. Not if you say the words. And you know the words, Mac.
    Are you ready to use them?” At his fury-laden silence, she nodded, went behind him.
    She placed a hand on his backside, fingered him despite his futile attempts to jerk his ass away from her touch. “Still well-lubricated. Well, then.” He bucked up and she neatly reached under him, caught his balls and twisted, just enough to freeze him in place as he realized to move further would cause him excruciating pain. She slid the plug all the way in, to the flared wide tip. He had a tighter ass than she expected, which suggested his tension and that he did not do anal play often. She stood, took the remote and programmed it, then set it down on her chair, putting it just out of his reach.
    “Now I’ve programmed that for three twenty-minute sessions,” she said, meeting his enraged glance as she turned it on. The twitch that went through his body, the jump in his cock, told her she had seated the plug right where she should. “It will build, get stronger and stronger, then go back to a low speed, then build again. I suspect it will make you come each time.” She nudged the pail under his stiffening cock again. “As regular as milking a bull for sperm. I’ll ask the staff to come release you at the end of an hour.”
    His head snapped up. “You’re not staying to watch?”
    “No, I’m not. They will.” She hit the ceiling switch and the darkening feature reversed. It would be a full house. Even with the soundproofing, she sensed all eyes would be riveted on the handsome male specimen below, left bound and being jerked off for their entertainment.
    “Violet, don’t do this.” His face was wild, desperate, and she saw his legs trembling, already starting to feel the effects of the vibrating plug. Sweat was shining on his brow, those magnificent muscles glowing.
    She continued as if he had not spoken. “At the half-hour point, I’ll send Mariah down to give you water. She’ll force feed it to you if necessary. I won’t have you dehydrated. At the one hour mark, she’ll come and release you, and you can clean up after yourself and go home. If you’ve never held a plug this long, be sure and wash yourself out with this.” She put a bottle of salve next to the remote. “It will soothe the tissues, so you’ll be ready for Friday.”
    “Friday,” he said, staring at her.
    She hadn’t intended to extend the invitation, or at least that’s what she’d told herself, but now she knew she’d planned to take him from the very beginning. She was nuts. She could barely control him. If he were free now, he’d have her slammed down on her back in an instant. The thought made her thighs tremble.
    “Friday,” she repeated firmly. “There’s a group of Female Doms from The Zone who are bringing their current slaves to a weekend place on the Gulf that

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