Naomi Grim
claimed the locker.
    Keira pulled her schedule from her
pocket. "I have Algebra next, Room 308."
    I looked at my schedule. "Me
too." I grabbed her arm. At least I wouldn’t have to walk in late alone.
    We found the 300 wing. Mr. Bertelli was
our Algebra teacher. The door to his classroom was locked. Keira knocked. A boy
with shaggy hair opened the door for us.
    The class was silent except for Mr.
Bertelli, who was explaining something at the front of the classroom. He
stopped mid- sentence and looked at us. "Can I help you?"
    "Sorry we're late," Keira
said, "but it's our first day."
    Mr. Bertelli nodded. "That's quite
all right, but only because it's your first day. There are two seats in the
    Keira and I made our way to the back as
everyone eyed us. I felt totally self-conscious. Thankfully, our seats were
right next to each other.
    Mr. Bertelli was a plump man who was
almost completely bald except for a ring of fluffy hair that surrounded his
head looking like brown cotton candy. He was saying something about variables
and exponents and then he stopped. "I think this would be a great place
for our new students to introduce themselves."
    Again, all eyes were on us. What was he
talking about? Ms. G hadn't made me do anything.
    "Why don't you go first? Please
stand," Mr. Bertelli said, pointing at me.
    I looked at Keira. She gave me a small
smile as I stood. "My name is Naomi Griswald." I remembered that
time. I didn't know what else to say. "Can I sit down now?"
    "Where are you from?" Mr.
Bertelli asked.
    Some kids snickered.
    Mr. Bertelli frowned. "So you're a
    Keira cleared her throat. I looked at
her, and she shook her head.
    "Oh, I mean Sacramento,
California." That's what we were supposed to say when we were asked that
question. What was I thinking?
    "What brings you to Kennedy
High?" Mr. Bertelli asked.
    "My father's job got
transferred." I was happy I didn't blurt out, "Some of you are going
to die, and I'm here to collect your lifestones. Nice to meet you."
    Finally, he let me sit and asked Keira
to stand. She gave her introduction flawlessly. Her name was Keira Griffin and
she was from Seattle. We received stares for a long time after that. I hoped it
was just because we were new and not because we looked like we didn't belong.
    The bell rang, and we gathered our
things for our next classes, which we didn't have together. I stood and slung
my backpack on my shoulders. I heard Keira gasp.
    "What?" I asked, concerned.
    She nodded toward the door. "Look
at that girl."
    I looked in that direction and spotted
the girl she was talking about. She wore a red dress and black heels. Aside
from that, she was surrounded by a faint yellow light. That glow meant only one
thing—the girl was one of the Fated, doomed to die. It wouldn't be long now.

Chapter 12
    My next class, Biology, was uneventful.
The whole time I thought about how much Dorian would love that class. I had one
more period before lunch, Physical Education. I had been dreading this one.
    I found the gymnasium and followed the
other girls to the locker room. Some girls were already changing. They took off
their shirts and pants, revealing their underwear, all without a care. I didn't
think I could do that. I reached into my backpack and pulled out the T-shirt
and shorts I had brought until I was given an official PE uniform.
    "Better hurry up, Casper,"
said a girl with red hair. "Coach makes us run laps if anyone's
    She was looking at me, but I didn't know
who this Casper was. Was she talking to me or not? Still, I went into a stall
and changed as fast as I could. When I stepped out, I felt cold and naked. This
was new for me. In Nowhere, we were always covered. I looked down at my legs.
They looked strange. I slid my boots back on.
    "You're going to PE in boots?"
asked a brown-haired girl with a multitude of freckles.
    I looked down at my feet. The other
girls were wearing sneakers. "I guess. It's all I have.

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