Nanny Piggins and the Daring Rescue 7
beautiful actress.
    â€˜Probably,’ conceded Nanny Piggins, ‘but that is a good thing. Then you’ll be able to take up more space on the TV screens and you’ll be even more famous.’
    And so the read-through progressed. The actors ended up having a wonderful time, because Nanny Piggins let them improvise. She did not mind if they said, ‘Mmmm-mmm-mm’, ‘Aawwww-mmm-yum’ or ‘nyumnyum-mm-mm-mmmm’ when their characters were eating cake.
    And the cake-eating really added to the exciting bits. Screaming ‘I’d die before I married you!’ or ‘She’s not your baby, her real father is Enrico the Bolivian polo player!’ is even more dramatic if you spray cake everywhere while you’re doing it.

    The network executives were so excited to get The Young and the Irritable back on air that they decided to make the first episode back a live episode – that way they would not have to waste time on editing the footage. And they could start earning advertising revenue again more quickly. The only problem was that in live TV, if anyone makes a mistake or accidentally rips another actor’s wig off, then that gets broadcast live. Live TV is like a sporting event: there are no do-overs, which is nerve-racking for the actors. Fortunately it is not hard to learn a script when over fifty per cent of the lines are just eating noises.
    On the day of the shoot, the Slimbridge Cake Factory sent over their biggest truck full of cake so there would be ample supplies to get the actors through the recording session. The actor who played Crevasse had become so good at dramatically spitting cake while proposing to women that he went through a whole chocolate mud cake in every scene.
    The Slimbridge Cake Factory promised an unlimited supply of free samples on the condition that Buff Snr mentioned their products three times while proposing to the woman dressed up as a man pretending to be his pool cleaner (Sabrina’s rival).
    Everything was going swimmingly well until suddenly the costume designer came screaming out of Sabrina’s dressing-room.
    â€˜What’s the matter?’ asked Nanny Piggins. ‘Is Buff Jnr trying to wear a blue shirt with a green tie again? If he is you can give him a short sharp bite on the leg and say it is from me.’
    â€˜No, much worse,’ said the costume lady.
    â€˜Worse than wearing clashing colours?’ asked Boris. ‘Then it must be something very bad.’
    â€˜Sabrina’s run off,’ wailed the costume designer.
    â€˜Yes, with the pool cleaner in scene seven,’ said Nanny Piggins. ‘I know. I wrote it.’
    â€˜No, the actress who plays Sabrina has run off. She left a note,’ said the costume lady waving a cake-smeared letter at Nanny Piggins. ‘She has run off with the truck driver from the Slimbridge Cake Factory.’
    Nanny Piggins could not be angry. ‘A very wise woman,’ she said. ‘Earning millions of dollars as a glamorous actress is one thing. But a man with access to entire truckloads of baked goods – that is too good to pass up.’
    â€˜It’s like winning the lottery and marrying Prince Charming on the same day,’ agreed Boris.
    â€˜Plus she can spend the rest of her life living in the cab of a truck. Think how wonderful and glamorous that will be,’ agreed Nanny Piggins.
    â€˜But what are we going to do?’ exclaimed the producer. ‘We start recording in an hour and there is no-one to play our lead vixen.’
    â€˜There must be another option,’ muttered Nanny Piggins.
    â€˜Beautiful glamorous women who can act brilliantly and consume vast amounts of cake don’t just grow on trees, you know,’ complained the executive.
    â€˜I know where we can find one,’ said Michael.
    â€˜You do?’ said Nanny Piggins and the executive.
    â€˜Nanny Piggins!’ exclaimed Michael. ‘She’s beautiful

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