Naked Shorts

Naked Shorts by Tina Folsom

Book: Naked Shorts by Tina Folsom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Folsom
never get out of this tub or this castle.
    Luckily, he”d finally managed to wear her out. For all he knew she had to be sore from how long and how hard he”d fucked her. Yet, every time she”d asked for more. She”d be quite a handful when he took her home with him. She”d keep him on toes, which was just what he needed.
    Leif turned her in his arms and pressed a soft kiss on her lips. “Selena, it”s time to wake up.” He looked out the window. It was well past midnight from what he could tell, and the castle would be quiet now. It was time to free his men.
    “Hmm.” Her eyes opened reluctantly. She looked sleepy and sexier than ever, and he had to stop himself from ravishing her again. It would be so easy to merely reposition her on his lap and slip into her tight sheath.
    He tried to wipe the image from his mind. “Time to get ready.”

    “Ready for what?”
    “To free my men and escape.”
    Her eyes opened wide as she stared at him. “It”s too dangerous.”
    “I have to do it.”
    “But how? They are guarded by three guards at a minimum, and we”re outnumbered.”
    “Three women? I can handle three women.” How hard could it be?
    Selena snorted. “Those are not ordinary women. They are warriors. And you have no
    “Then we”ll just have to figure out a plan, won”t we?”
    She gave him an exasperated look as if she thought he was out of his mind. Maybe he was, but it mattered little. Leif was responsible for his men, and not even the lure of more delicious sex with Selena could divert his attention from what he needed to do.

An hour later, Leif pushed the door to the prison open and burst in, Selena pressed
    against his body as he pointed a dagger at her throat.
    “Don”t make a move,” he warned the three guards who”d immediately reached for their weapons. “Or the princess dies.”
    Selena made a good show of being scared. It had been her idea to pretend she was his captive so they could force the guards to open up the cells and let his men out. A luscious body and an intelligent mind - he couldn”t have hoped for more in the woman who would soon bear his children.
    “Mistress,” one of the guards addressed her, “did he hurt you?”
    “Yes, and he”ll do worse if you don”t do what he says,” she pleaded.

    He squeezed her in reassurance where his hand reached around her torso. Leif quickly surveyed his surroundings. The building was made mostly of stone. At the long end of it, one cell after the other lined the wall. The only light in the place was provided by several torches.
    “Go, open the cells,” he instructed the guards, but they didn”t move. “Do it, now, or Princess Selena will pay for your disobedience.”
    One of the guards took a step forward. “We have strictest instruction from Princess Aurora not to open the cells under any circumstances.”
    “What?” Leif choked out. “You”ll let her die because of some order Princess Aurora has given?” Something wasn”t right. Selena had been so sure that this would be the easiest way to free his men.
    “Please!” Selena begged. “Help me, or he”ll harm me.”
    The guard stood her ground and stoically shook her head. “Only Princess Aurora can lift this order. We will call for her.”
    The guard nodded toward one of her colleagues, but before Leif could do anything else, Selena had kicked him in the shin and jerked out of his hold.
    “Help me!” she screamed and ran toward the guards before Leif could even comprehend what had happened. Selena, the woman who”d purred so perfectly in his arms had betrayed him.
    “Selena?” He felt his heart sink as she stood next to the guards.
    “Lock him up. Quickly, before he manages to get another hostage.”
    In the background, Leif heard the voices of his men. Soon, he”d join them, and then there”d be no way out of this hellhole. How could he have misjudged her like this? She”d tricked him. Now he understood why she had so willingly taken

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