mythean arcana 07 - witchs fate

mythean arcana 07 - witchs fate by Linsey Hall

Book: mythean arcana 07 - witchs fate by Linsey Hall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linsey Hall
Only the witch was flying backward, facing the broom bristles. “The demon at the shop said that not all witches here are part of the Salem Coven. Maybe we can find some others in there who can tell us what we need to know?”
    “My thoughts exactly.” Malcolm started down the stairs.
    Sofia followed, marveling at the breadth of his shoulders. He moved so smoothly for such a big man. Quiet and elegant. 
    They reached the bottom. Kitty hissed. Sofia squinted down the narrow, stone-paved passage. The brick walls were studded with yellow gas lamps and Malcolm’s head brushed the narrow ceiling. At the far end, a wooden door beckoned.
    “These witches are freaking creepy,” Sofia said.
    “Stay behind me.” Malcolm started down the alleyway.
    Sofia bristled. She could take care of herself, damn it. No one talked to her that way. She was the Protector of Bruxa’s Eye.
    But then, if there was a hit coming, perhaps she should let him take it. 
    She should definitely let him take it.
    Suddenly, the floor dropped out from under her. She screamed as she fell. Pain streaked through her legs as she crashed to the ground. Kitty’s smoky form floated beside her. Heart racing, she looked around. Dim light illuminated a stone-walled room. Dungeon, more like.
    She glanced up to see that the ceiling above her was normal. No hole through to the street upstairs. It began to shimmer, then opened up to the street above. Malcolm jumped down into the room, landing gracefully beside her.
    He leaned down to help her. “Are you all—” 
    The door crashed open. Malcolm surged upright and moved to stand between her and the door. She scrambled to her feet, wincing at the pain in her leg. But it was already a bit better. She drew her wand from the aether.
    “What ‘ave we here?” The burly blue demon that she’d seen walking down the street entered. 
    Another one loomed in the doorway. This one had smaller horns but bigger muscles and deep red skin. No swords, just wicked looking knives strapped all over his body. They both had to duck to get in. They were at least a foot bigger than Malcolm. “Looks like a witch. Though I’ve no idea who this bloke is. Or how he triggered the trap. Should’ve only caught the magic one.”
    Sofia glanced at the beaten metal that gleamed dully around Malcolm’s wrist. No doubt that had stopped him from triggering whatever booby trap she’d just set off and kept the demons from sensing what he was capable of.
    “What the hell is this place?” he demanded.
    “You was trying to enter the Cauldron,” the blue one rumbled. “That’s invite only. Everyone knows that. And you’re not invited. So now we feed you to the hounds.” He lumbered toward them.
    Kitty hissed. Sofia flung out her wand hand, sending a jet of flame at them. Nothing happened. Magic fizzled at the tip of her wand.
    “Ah, ah. No magic down here.”
    She wasn’t terrible in a fight, but she sure hated getting other people’s blood on her.
    Malcolm lunged for the biggest demon. He was all lethal grace. At the same time, the golden wolf burst from his chest, a shimmering apparition of snarling fangs and glowing eyes. It lunged for the other demon, going for his throat.
    Like in the High Witches’ dungeon, his wulver soul wasn’t contained by the magic.
    She stepped back, eyeing the fight for an opportunity to jump in and help. Kitty danced on nervous paws beside her. Not the best in a fight, that one.
    Malcolm grabbed the big red demon by his collar and swung him away from Sofia, toward the other side of the room. The beast lunged out, swiping a huge fist. Malcolm ducked, then delivered a quick uppercut that slammed the demon’s head back. He plowed a fist into its gut.
    He was so fast, and his wolf so savage that Sofia just leaned back against the wall and watched. They didn’t need her help. 
    His wolf had the blue demon on the ground and was ravaging his throat and chest. Malcolm was grappling with the red demon,

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