Mystery's Choice (Vengeance Of The Fallen Book 1)

Mystery's Choice (Vengeance Of The Fallen Book 1) by Tanya Simon Page B

Book: Mystery's Choice (Vengeance Of The Fallen Book 1) by Tanya Simon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tanya Simon
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warehouse.”  She glanced back at the road, using her side view mirror to pull onto the highway heading back to Denver.
    “So, now we know where to start looking for them, either California or here or both. We can connect them to several different crimes, if we can just match the symbol to a specific cult.”  Mary Kate frowned. “Do you think they will keep harassing the girl?”
    “Yes.”  Felicity maneuvered her way through the crowded rush hour traffic. Cranky commuters were making the traffic backup, by refusing to let other cars onto the highway. Felicity sighed, she had been in Colorado for ten years and she still hated the traffic. “They will keep coming back until they get whatever it is they want. After a while, if they don’t get it, they will probably kill the girl and cut their losses.”  Felicity turned her intense eyes on her partner. “They want her, I think they want her to come of her own free will, and if she won’t they will kill her. It’s just a feeling, I can’t see clearly, their power is too strong.”
    “Great. I’ll check out known cults in the area and California.”  Mary Kate looked at her partner’s profile. “You check out the girl, she may be our best bet for keeping her safe.”
    “Sounds like a plan.”  Felicity turned her full attention to the crazed drivers and their daily war to get home.
    It had been three weeks since the cleaning service finished cleaning up the house, but nothing Seth said could convince Mystery to go home. She kept talking about screaming demons. She said she had lied to the police because they wouldn’t have believed her. She insisted demons had done the damage to their house. He told her he would get her help, and he loved her. She looked hurt and had stopped talking all together. She had stopped eating unless Seth fed her. Mystery was giving up. Seth couldn’t let her give up, but he didn’t know whom to turn to for help. And he hated the part of himself who wondered if she were just being a drama queen, trying to make it worse, so he would be afraid to leave her alone. He wouldn’t let her destroy everything he had worked for and he wouldn’t let her give up.
    So, he had packed everything up and loaded it into the car, went back into the hotel room and picked up Mystery and took her out to the car. She didn’t respond to him in any way except to turn away from him once he got in the car. Seth started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.
    Mystery was visibly shaking by the time they pulled onto their street and as they pulled into the driveway she turned terrified, pleading eyes to him.
    “Honey we have to get on with our lives.”  He smoothed her hair back, and held onto her face with both hands, “The cops said whomever did this probably won’t come back. Since they didn’t follow us to the hotel, they are done harassing us. There haven’t been any hang-ups. Nothing has happened. This is our home, baby.”  Seth got out of the car and took their bags in and came back and carried Mystery inside. She closed her eyes as they crossed the threshold.
    She completely surprised him by wanting to walk. He set her down and she went upstairs taking her bags with her. She went past the master bedroom and went into the spare bedroom. Seth tried to follow her but she pushed him out, closed the door and locked it.
    “Mystery, we need to work through this together, baby!”  Seth pounded on the door.
    “How can we, when you don’t believe me?”
    “Please give me another chance. Tell me again.”
    The door unlocked. Seth opened it to find Mystery sitting on the bed. He went and sat next to her.
    “I was in the kitchen and something started screaming, it wasn’t human, but it wasn’t any animal I knew of. I turned around and these little, winged creatures were flying around the kitchen flinging food. One of them took a swipe at me. I ran upstairs and hid in the

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