Williams and Seth Parsons. They are the owners of the house.”
Seth stuck out his hand and Detective Ballard shook it. Detective Ramirez was already walking toward the house.
Detective Ballard smiled. “You’ll have to forgive my partner, she’s brilliant at her job, but she’s not much of a talker.” She stepped back. “Why don’t you follow my partner inside, Mr. Parsons?”
Seth kissed Mystery on the forehead and followed Detective Ramirez into the house.
Detective Ballard leaned against the car right by Mystery. “So, why do you think this happened?”
Mystery looked down at her feet. “They want me to come back to them. They aren’t going to leave me alone until I do.”
“Who wants you to come back?” she turned her kind hazel eyes on Mystery.
“The cult my father stole me from when I was a baby. Our lawyer says I more than likely was reported missing about 17 years ago, in Los Angeles, California. However, my father died recently and everything he knew about them went with him. We’ve been getting hang-ups and a couple of times we’ve come home and the windows have been broken.”
“Why didn’t you report it?”
“I thought if I ignored them and didn’t take the bait, they would leave me alone.” Mystery looked up. “I mean, if they want me so bad, why did it take them 17 years to find me. Why not hire a detective to look for me?”
“If your father hid his tracks well, they might not have been able to find you until recently. We may find if we look into your father’s death he was murdered in retaliation for taking you.” She pursed her lips and looked up from her notes. “We’ll look at all the cults we know are active in the Los Angeles area. I suggest you stay at a motel or with friends until a cleaning service can get your house cleaned. Also, be careful. Take more notice of your surroundings, if you see something and it just doesn’t feel right go where you are around people and call the police.” She stopped talking as, Detective Ramirez and Seth came back outside.
“Definitely occult related. There is animal feces and blood smeared all over the house. Some of the symbols scrawled on the wall in feces are Satanic.” Detective Ramirez said, as she walked over to them.
“So, what do I do to keep Mystery safe?” Seth asked as he put his arm around her slender shoulders. His arm tightened when he felt the fine trembling going through her body.
“I already told Mystery this, but just be cautious and careful. If anything else happens, even if it’s minor, call us.” Detective Ballard handed him her card. “In the meantime, we will check into cults active both in California and Colorado. We will check into David Williams’ death. On the back of the card are a few listings for cleaning services who will clean up your house.” She reached out her hand and Seth shook it.
Detective Ramirez went to Mystery. “If you want to talk about the dreams you have probably been having since all of this began, call me.” Her brown eyes burned with intensity. “I can help.”
They both started for their car. Detective Ballard smiled and waved as she got in. Detective Ramirez looked at Mystery, before she got in the driver’s seat, started the car and they pulled away.
Seth hugged Mystery and she hung on to him for dear life. He tucked her head under his chin and held her. After a few minutes he helped her into the car. Once there she curled up into a little ball. Seth went and locked the front door, got back in the car, started it and backed out of the driveway. As he drove down the street, he patted Mystery’s back. She pulled away and tried to curl up even tighter.
“Hang on baby. Just hang on. The cops will find whoever is responsible. It’ll be better soon.”
Seth hoped he wasn’t lying.
Felicity looked over at her partner. “One of the symbols was the same as the
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Dna Code Flesh
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