Mystery on the Ice

Mystery on the Ice by Gertrude Chandler Warner Page A

Book: Mystery on the Ice by Gertrude Chandler Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gertrude Chandler Warner
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didn’t realize how lucky we were when Grandfather found us.”
    “That’s right!” Benny said emphatically.
    Just then Alice flung wide the front door. “I thought I heard voices.”

    “Come in,” Joe said. “Let me take your coats.”
    “How wonderful everything is,” Jessie exclaimed, admiring the many candles and the lovely red carpet. Two crimson wingback chairs nestled before the fireplace.
    Violet walked over to the fire to warm her hands. She gazed above the mantel at the portrait of a young girl. This was the girl who had once lived here and had run away to marry against her father’s wishes. “I see you’ve hung Celia Roth’s painting.”
    “Yes,” Joe said, standing beside her. “She’s part of the house. We’ve become good friends with Celia, you know. And even though she’s old and doesn’t get around very well, she visits us every so often.”
    Alice joined them, and Joe slipped his arm around her waist. “I’m glad we bought this house. At first I was afraid it might need too much work.”
    “You’ve changed it into a charming home,” Grandfather said.
    Benny sniffed. “I smell something good,” he hinted.
    Alice leaned down. “You’re not hungry, are you, Benny?”
    He peered up at her. “A little,” he admitted.
    Joe laughed. “Maybe roast beef and mashed potatoes will satisfy your appetite.”
    Benny looked up, nodding vigorously.
    Soon everyone was seated around the dining-room table. Benny piled his plate with broccoli, beef, and potatoes, then helped himself to a hot biscuit.
    “This salad is delicious,” Violet said shyly.
    “Thanks, Violet,” Alice said, setting cranberry sauce by Benny’s elbow.
    Once cake and ice cream were served, Joe cleared his throat. “I’ve invited everyone here to share our good news.” He gazed with affection at Alice.
    “What is it?” Benny leaned forward, his eyes big.
    “Something wonderful,” Joe said. “Your grandfather and his lawyer have worked with Alice and me to bring us a child from Korea.”
    “Yes, we are flying to Seoul in two days to pick up a little Korean girl we are going to adopt,” Alice said, her pretty face glowing.
    “Her name is Soo Lee and she is seven years old,” Joe said, a broad smile lighting his face, too.
    “A little girl!” exclaimed Jessie.
    Questions flew back and forth. All evening they discussed Joe and Alice’s adopted daughter. How would she like American food? How would she be dressed? Would she understand English? Would she make friends at school?
    When it was time to leave, Joe and Alice kissed their cousins. Joe shook Grandfather’s hand. “Thanks for all your help, Uncle James. I see you can keep a secret. I’ve never seen such surprised faces!”
    Standing in the doorway, Alice waved. “We’ll see you on our return.”
    Once in the car, Benny asked, “What does adopted mean?”
    “Adopted means to take someone into your home,” Henry explained. “Someone to be your very own, because the child’s parents can’t take care of her or him.”
    “And,” Grandfather continued, “papers will be signed showing that Joe and Alice are the child’s legal parents.”
    Benny’s round face wore a puzzled frown. “What does legal mean?” he questioned, cocking his head.
    “Legal means that ‘by law’ Joe and Alice will be recognized as Soo Lee’s mother and father,” Jessie said.
    “Oh,” Benny said, sinking back against the seat. “I guess I understand.”
    That night, Jessie pulled up her comforter and stared out the window. She tried to imagine what the Korean child would be like. She was sure Soo Lee would be happy to be welcomed into such a warm and loving home. She wondered where Korea was exactly. She knew the country was near China, but she wanted to know more about it. Tomorrow they must go to the library and find all the information they could on Korea.
    But the next morning, Grandfather had even more news — news so exciting that Jessie changed her mind about

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