Mystery Dance: Three Novels
it all planned, get the business going and get settled, accumulate some wealth, and then talk about having a family.”
    “How old were you then?”
    “Twenty-two,” Jacob said.
    “Twenty-one,” Renee said. “We know which night we got pregnant.” She looked at Jacob and the pain in his face was worth millions. “Tell her, Jakie.”
    He turned to the window again. The sky was dull and blue, limitless, like her love.
    “We always used condoms, even after we were married,” she told Rheinsfeldt, though she was really talking to Jacob, delivering the words as if they were nails in flesh. “The pill gave me migraines, and the diaphragm and foam were so messy. One night in August, Jacob had gone out for drinks with one of his old college classmates–yes, he’d started drinking again around that time. I think it was the fear of success, but that’s a whole other story. Anyway, I don’t even know who these classmates were, but it must have been some party, because Jake came in at about four in the morning. It was dark and I was half asleep, but he crawled on me like an animal. I tried to push him away. I’m no prude but I like a little foreplay, plus he didn’t put on a condom. He forced himself in.”
    “Jacob?” Rheinsfeldt interrupted, as if fearing that Renee was gaining control of the session.
    “She liked it,” Jacob said to the window. “It was probably the best night of her life.”
    Renee squirmed. Jacob had been more passionate that night than any other, almost as if he knew he was planting a baby inside her. Almost as if he wanted a child. And some small part of her had accepted it, had pulled him more deeply into her.
    The sex hadn’t been as intense even when they were deliberately trying for the one that would be Christine. Stinking of whiskey and sweat, tongue like an attacking viper, and body like a weapon, his excitement had swept her up and over the edge of the universe. And she hated his causing her loss of control.
    And here he was, about to do it again: make her lose control. She forced herself to think of Christine, small and blue-skinned against the blanket. And Mattie, lost amid the big fire that had burned away the last bridge that connected her to their happy past.
    “Three times,” Renee said. “You wanted to make sure, didn’t you, Jake?”
    “You didn’t fight it,” he said.
    “I’m not supposed to fight it,” she said. “You married me, remember?”
    “Everybody makes mistakes.”
    “We made them together.”
    “A Wells never fails.”
    Renee swallowed hard, trying to push the anger down her throat. It lodged there, making each breath an effort. The sudden silence in the room was thick and oppressive. Rheinsfeldt edged forward with serpentine ease.
    “Obviously, you loved each other enough to carry the baby to term,” the doctor said. “And Jacob is a successful businessman. It sounds like you two were getting everything you wanted. What part of your common dream didn’t work out?”
    “After that encounter, Jacob wouldn’t touch me for weeks,” Renee said. “Like I was the dirty one, or maybe he was embarrassed by his passion. He was gone when I woke up and didn’t come home until the afternoon. We fought a few times, threw things, nothing too physical, mostly yelling, then him storming out.”
    The doctor nodded as if such behavior were perfectly normal. “Why did you behave that way, Jacob?”
    “I was afraid she was pregnant.”
    “Why was that so frightening? Was it the responsibility?”
    “No. The bloodline. I was afraid I would be a lousy father, just like I was taught.”
    “By my own lousy father.”
    “Jacob, this sounds like an issue we’ll need to work on privately. But for today, let’s see if we can understand this one little piece of the puzzle.”
    “He sobered up when I missed my period and we got the test results,” Renee said. “He was the perfect husband, worked hard all day, phoned me before and after lunch,

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