Mystery Dance: Three Novels
denial, or the value of acceptance. This is how I grieve–by not letting it have happened, at least not to me.”
    Jacob put his head in his hands and spoke to the floor. “I tried not to blame her.”
    “How did you deal with it as a couple?” the doctor asked. “Focus on each other? On Mattie?”
    Renee pondered the different responses. The truth was not an option. “Jacob threw himself into his work. He pulled away from me, but we each drew closer to Mattie. I took her to visit my parents for a week, and then we took a cruise to the Cayman Islands. The water’s so blue there.”
    “Jacob wasn’t with you?”
    “No. That subdivision deal–”
    “The Realtor balked,” Jacob said. He sounded sober now, as if the hard hammers of business considerations had knocked him awake. “We had a nice row of tract houses, half of them pre-sold. The realty company said we were charging too much, that we were cutting our own throats because we were trying to turn over some upscale houses on the other side of town. The company undercut us and siphoned off some of our buyers, and we took a bath on the mortgages. Never build on spec in this town unless you own the bank.”
    “But what about Mattie?” Rheinsfeldt said, nonplussed by Jacob’s passionate diversion. “How did you relate to her after Christine’s death?”
    “I don’t know,” Jacob said. “I just felt so helpless. My old man would have told me to pull my balls out of the sand and keep them swinging. When you get a raw deal, you turn it around. So we–me and my partner–decided it was a good time to buy if it looked like prices were dropping. So we went in on a few lots around town, high-end commercial space.”
    “He gave me money instead of himself,” Renee said.
    “I figured the best way to focus on Mattie was to spoil her like crazy,” Jacob said. “And it took money. The cruise, riding lessons, Disney World, shopping trips to Charlotte.”
    Renee didn’t like Rheinsfeldt’s reaction. The counselor’s lips curled as if valuing money was somehow distasteful. She had no comprehension of what it meant to be a Wells.
    “It isn’t unusual to throw yourself into practical pursuits when faced with an emotional tragedy,” Rheinsfeldt said. “But how did you feel on the inside?”
    “Inside?” One of Jacob’s eyelids twitched. “I don’t have any inside anymore.”
    “Please, Jake,” Renee said. “Don’t change know.”
    He stood, paced, stopped at the window. For a moment, it looked as if he were going to snatch up the potted geraniums and hurl them against the wall. He turned, fists clenched. “You could never understand, not in a million goddamned years.”
    Renee wasn’t sure whether Jacob was addressing her or Rheinsfeldt, because his eyes kept swiveling in their sockets. She figured the words were meant for her. She’d heard them plenty enough.
    Rheinsfeldt didn’t flinch, just sat in her chair with professional poise. “How did you feel on the inside?” she repeated.
    “Like my guts were on fire. All the time. I had stomach trouble, diarrhea, pain so intense that Tylenol couldn’t touch it.”
    “Guilt, perhaps?” Rheinsfeldt’s tone was that of a game show host whose contestant was coming up short in the final round.
    “No, the guilt was all mine,” Renee said. The tears were hot in her eyes. She didn’t try to hold them back. Damn, she was getting good at this. “I’m the one who put Christine down for the nap, I’m the one who arranged the blankets. I’m the one who brought her into this awful world.”
    “Do you really believe it’s awful? If so, you wouldn’t have had any children in the first place.”
    “Mattie was an accident,” Renee said, and Jacob stopped pacing by the window.
    “An accident?” Rheinsfeldt sniffed blood in the psychological pool. “So perhaps that contributed to Jacob’s desire to spoil her. Maybe he didn’t think–”
    “He didn’t think. That’s the point. We had

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