Myanmar's Long Road to National Reconciliation

Myanmar's Long Road to National Reconciliation by Trevor Wilson

Book: Myanmar's Long Road to National Reconciliation by Trevor Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trevor Wilson
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Human Resources Development at Yezin Agricultural University
    About 52 per cent of staff members at YAU have post-graduate degrees from various foreign countries. The rest of the staff will be equipped with postgraduate degrees within two to three years. In this connection, YAU is currently working in close scientific co-operation with some foreign institutions and organizations to create better conditions for the teaching and research activities of its academic staff and students.
International Collaboration
    At the present time YAU has signed MOUs with ten international institutions to promote activities for staff development, staff and student exchange, and joint research programs. We are in the process of collaborating with ten other universities and research institutions. About 180 fresh graduates are being sent annually to Arava Co Ltd in Israel for eleven months of on-the-job training and to undertake an agricultural business studies diploma course.
Agricultural Research
    Myanma Agriculture Service (MAS) is the biggest organization within the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation. It coordinates agricultural research and extension in the country, and under it are various research institutes and divisions, such as:
    1.   Central Agricultural Research and Training Centre (CARTC);
    2.   Vegetable and Fruit Research and Development Centre (VFRDC);
    3.   Plant Protection Division (PPD);
    4.   Land Use Division (LUD).
    The Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI) has been upgraded as a separate Department of Agricultural Research (DAR) with a Director-General as head. The Seed Division (SD) has also been given separate status. There are other research stations or units under other departments that conduct various kinds of research, such as the Agriculture Mechanization Department (AMD), Myanma Sugarcane Enterprise (MSE),Myanma Cotton and Sericulture Enterprise (MCSE), Myanma Perennial Crops Enterprise (MPCE), Myanma Jute Industries (MJI), and the Yezin Agricultural University (YAU).
    Under the breeding program of the Department of Agricultural Research (DAR), sixty-two varieties of rice, seven varieties of OPVs, and four varieties of hybrid maize, four varieties of groundnut, four varieties of sesame, fourteen varieties of food legumes, two varieties of cotton, four varieties of jute, and four varieties of sugarcane have been released for farmers.
    The research approach and research priorities are mostly targeted towards increasing the productivity of individual crops.
Agricultural Extension
    The agricultural extension approach and methods are very important for effective transfer of technologies to farmers. The linkages between research and extension need to be strengthened. Also, in setting up the extension programs, attention should be given to differences in socio-economic and agro-ecological conditions. The following problems have been encountered in carrying out agricultural extension services:
    1.   Poor technical knowledge
    2.   Extension resources
    3.   Market for farm products
    4.   Finance for farmers, and
    5.   Working environment.
    Agricultural extension officers need relevant training to improve their knowledge and skills. CARTC offers different kinds of training to various service personnel, including extension officers, such as pre-service training, in-service training, on-the-job training, and training workshops. Some 2,089 trainees attended various training programs at CARTC during the five-year period 1995–2000. Similar kinds of training were also provided at DAR, PPD, and LUD.
Rural Development
    In the case of improving rural development, the government is attempting to solve the rural poverty problem through implementing various policies such as agriculture-based development policy, agricultural price reformpolicy, macro-price reform policy, technology development policy, credit policy, irrigation policy, marketing policy. and integrated

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