My Thug Got A Rider

My Thug Got A Rider by Onyxx Black

Book: My Thug Got A Rider by Onyxx Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Onyxx Black
side. The table felt unsteady too.
    “Ms. Woods we would just like to ask a few questions. Please note that everything is being recorded.” I watched as an episode unfolded in front of me in real life.
    “Do you have any questions before we get started?” The tall Hispanic man asked from the two-way mirror. I frowned up my face at him. There was something about him that I didn’t like or trust.
    “For the record would you please state your name?” the short, bald black officer asked me from across the table.
    “Ashanti Renee Woods.” I wanted to keep my answers short, sweet and to the point.
    “How old are you, Ashanti?” the bald man identified as Officer Roosevelt asked as he scribbled in his legal notepad.
    “I’m eighteen years old.”
    Finally, the other officer, Gonzales, walked over and sat down on the edge of the table, letting it all out. “Ms. Woods, can you tell us where you were on the night of March 21, 2015 at around 1:45am?” He asked. I left the club around 12:15am, that morning so I knew I had nothing to worry about.
    “At the Westin Hotel.”
    Again, Officer Roosevelt scribbled, looking tired. “Can you tell us who this young lady is?” He pulled out the same picture of the mangled corpse, causing my stomach to turn.
    “Alexiana Marie Suarez.” I held back the incessant watering in my mouth, urging me to vomit. He took the picture away.
    “How would you describe your relationship with Ms. Suarez?” How could I say that I hated her, but not enough to kill her? Was there a right way to say we fought every day and I slit her jaw, but I never wanted her to die? How effective was it to cry big crocodile tears, but mean everything I was saying? Lexi was young and wild but out there. Not to mention pregnant but as much as I hated her, I really couldn’t see anyone killing her. Beating her ass, yes. Killing her, that was a bit much.
    “We weren’t the best of friends.” I admitted, hating myself for saying that on record.
    “Do you have a receipt for your overnight stay at the Westin?” I had put all my belongings on a conveyor belt to go through the metal detector so I had no way of showing him my texts from my bank, confirming my card transaction. “Check with the hotel. My bank card and my name should show up in their reservations.” I wondered how cold I looked to them with my hair all over my head and my face showing no emotions. “Is that all?” I finally felt the need to ask some questions for myself.
    “Yes. That’ll be all Ms. Woods. You’re free to go.” I hurried up and got up from the dingy room and all but ran out the door. I rode in the squad car so I didn’t have a ride home. I called Shauna and she answered on the third ring.
    “Hey babe, what’s up?” She sounded out of breath and I was almost scared to ask her, what she was doing.
    “Where are you at?”
    “Still in cold ass Colorado. Daddy wanted me to come with him for the weekend and I finally introduced him to Ma. We’re all here, sledding and shit in the mountains. What’s up though? Are you okay?” Damn. I forgot all about their mini vacation.
    “I’m at the police station. They were asking me questions about Lexi.”
    “Wait. What kind of questions?”
    “Lexi’s dead.” I couldn’t find a better way to say it, so I just came out with it. Shauna got quiet. “They think that you did it, don’t they?”
    “Yeah, even Ms. B. hugged me and said she was sorry that they were taking me in for questioning. Since they couldn’t hold me they just asked me a bunch of questions.”
    “Damn. Well, did you at least drive? I mean, if you don’t want to go home, you can stay at my place. You got your spare key, don’t you?” I reached in the bottom of my purse. No key. That meant it must’ve still been in my glove compartment from the night of her party.
    “No, I’m about to call Kenyon. I’ll call you back later.” I hung up with Shauna and scrolled past Kenyon’s number, stopped,

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