The A.I. Gang Trilogy Operation Sherlock Robot Trouble Forever Begins Tomorrow Bruce Coville's Alien Adventures Aliens Ate My Homework I Left My Sneakers in Dimension X The Search for Snout Aliens Stole My Body Camp Haunted Hills How I Survived My Summer Vacation Some of My Best Friends Are Monsters The Dinosaur That Followed Me Home I Was A Sixth Grade Alien I Was A Sixth Grade Alien The Attack of the Two-Inch Teacher I Lost My Grandfather's Brain Peanut Butter Lover Boy Zombies of the Science Fair Don't Fry My Veeblax! Too Many Aliens Snatched From Earth There's an Alien in My Backpack The Revolt of the Miniature Mutants There's an Alien in My Underwear Farewell to Earth Magic Shop Books Jennifer Murdley's Toad Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher The Monster's Ring The Skull of Truth My Teacher Books My Teacher is an Alien My Teacher Fried My Brains My Teacher Glows in the Dark My Teacher Flunked the Planet
Space Brat Books Space Brat
Space Brat v. Blork's Evil Twin Space Brat 3: The Wrath of Squat Space Brat 4: Planet of the Dips Space Brat 5-: The Saber-toothed Poodnoobie The Dragonslayers Goblins in the Castle Monster of the Year The World's Worst Fairy Godmother Bruce Cavillers Chamber ofHorrors #1 Amulet of Doom #i Spirits and Spells #3 Eyes of the Tarot #4. Waiting Spirits Oddly Enough Space Station Ice-3
Bruce Coville Illustrated by Mike Wimmer
Aladdin Paperbacks New York London Toronto Sydney
To my sixth-grade teacher, Florence Crandall, who told me to write a story