My Sweetest Escape
something I had never done before.
    Greg gave us our assignment with the
    attitude of Santa presenting orphans with
    shiny presents.
    How the hell was I supposed to write
    about something I’d never experienced?
    Seriously, how?
    Everyone else seemed just as perplexed
    as I was, and a guy sitting near me was
    muttering under his breath and most of the
    words weren’t complimentary. We had the
    entire class period to complete the
    assignment, so I got out my notebook and a
    pen and tried to figure something that I
    could write so I could just complete the
    damn thing.
    Well, the first thing I could think of to
    write about was completely out of the
    question. My still-intact virginity was a relic
    from my other life. I’d been way too
    focused on school and other things, and it
    didn’t mesh well with my political

    There was also something romantic, I’d
    thought at the time, about saving that
    milestone in my life for marriage.
    My ex had been completely on board
    with it; in fact, he’d been more for it than I
    was. We’d done things here and there, but
    every time it got heated one of us stopped
    it, citing our vows of chastity. The funny
    thing was, it never really got all that heated.
    The kissing was fine, but I never found
    myself wanting to just rip his clothes off like
    in some horny teenage fantasy. There was
    probably something wrong with me. I had
    no problem getting myself off, so my sex
    drive wasn’t broken, but I never fantasized
    about getting hot and heavy with Matt. He
    wasn’t a hot-and-heavy kind of guy.
    Honestly, I didn’t care anymore. It was
    low on the list of things I was concerned
    about. Right above floods and right below
    zombie apocalypse.
    I tried to think of something to write
    that would fill two pages with my small
    handwriting. Some of my classmates were
    already writing away, but others were just
    as stuck as I was.
    Music. I wanted to write something
    about music.
    The only thing I could think of was that
    I’d never performed onstage, at least not
    outside of a late-afternoon fantasy. I’d
    actually never really sung in public. I’d been
    in choirs in school, but had never tried out
    for anything where I had to sing a solo.
    I wrote a sentence, and then another,
    and then another.
    I described the stage and the lights and
    the fluttery feeling of captivating everyone
    in the audience with just my voice and
    maybe a guitar.

    Before I knew it, I had filled three pages,
    front and back.
    “Okay, everyone. Just hand in what
    you’ve got and I’ll go make copies. Don’t
    worry about neatness or spelling. That’s not
    the point of this exercise. The point is just
    to write what comes to your mind, to
    stretch it and see what happens.”
    Greg left and people broke out talking,
    mostly complaining about the assignment
    and how lame it was and that they’d
    bullshitted their way through it. Yeah, like
    Greg wasn’t going to see right through that.
    At least I’d been honest about mine.
    No one talked to me, for which I was
    grateful. Greg came back with a huge stack
    of papers and handed them to each of us.
    “Okay, so your assignment for next time
    is to read everyone else’s and make at least
    three comments on each paper.
    Got it? You’re dismissed.” He waved his
    hand, and I wondered if he’d been British in
    a past life. He certainly talked like it, even
    though he didn’t have an accent.
    I was freaking about everyone else
    reading my paper because it was so
    personal. I hadn’t meant it to be, but the
    words had sort of come out of nowhere.
    Nothing I could do about it now.
    I pulled the Skittles and M&M’s out of
    my bag and tore them open, pouring an
    equal amount into my hand before folding
    the bags back up and putting them back.
    You and your weird snacks. Sometimes
    I wonder if there’s something wrong with
    your taste buds, Jossy.
    I cracked an M&M’s between my teeth
    and chased it with a Skittles.
    That night I finally got around

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