My Steps Are Ordered

My Steps Are Ordered by Michelle Lindo-Rice Page A

Book: My Steps Are Ordered by Michelle Lindo-Rice Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Lindo-Rice
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There were also page numbers listed, so Keith could find the books. He read the introduction, which revealed that the Bible was divided into two sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament. It was then divided into books, and then into chapters and verses, so that locating scripture would be easier.
    Keith laughed at his own ignorance. He appreciated that little introduction, which made navigating the Bible much easier and less daunting. It was obvious that his law degree was of no use here. He was going to need divine assistance.
    Keith checked out the rest of the Bible and found a concordance and even topical studies in the back. It was interesting to note that there was a Bible verse for almost everything. He learned that the little numbers by some of the verses meant that there was commentary on those verses below. He knew that he would be absorbed in this book for hours. When he read Psalm 118:6 and Hebrews 13:6, the references there led him on another escapade.
    Getting on his knees, Keith prayed a short but earnest prayer. “God, I’m not an expert at praying, but I know you can hear me. I thank you for this Bible. Please open my mind so that I will be able to understand what I’m reading.” Then Keith ended his prayer with, “And, please bless Gina and Michael and Trey. Amen.”
    He grabbed a pencil and wrote little notes and questions while he was reading. He was not sure if people wrote on the pages of their Bible, but that was what he had done with his college texts. He was going to purchase a highlighter, as well, so he could mark those verses.
    Keith read and studied for hours. He was so engrossed in the Word that it was 4:00 a.m. before he knew it. It was the first time that Keith had been able to put Gina out of his mind.
    Before going to sleep, Keith returned to Psalm 118:6. It read, “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?” Keith reread the verse, liking this man, David, who had been inspired to write the words. He could relate to David because he too was a man who didn’t seem to fear anyone or anything. But there were certain things that were beyond his comprehension, like Trey’s illness. So what that scripture said to Keith was that he needed God on his side and on his son, Trey’s, as well. As long as God was with Trey, Keith would not worry about the outcome.
    People’s words and predictions were nothing for God.
    Keith knew that if nothing else, he could pray for his son. Feeling a little nervous, because he was still uncertain God would even hear his prayer, Keith slid to his knees. He did not have much to say, but he did say a few heartfelt words. “God, please send a miracle and save my son.”

Chapter Fourteen
    Why hasn’t he called?
    Maybe Keith saw the futility of their dead-end attraction and was keeping his distance. Gina hated herself for even obsessing over his not calling, but it was so unlike him.
    Sitting in her computer room, Gina swiveled in the chair. She creased her brows and bit her bottom lip. It was perplexing. Perhaps Colleen was right. Maybe she was selfish. She couldn’t fault Keith if he decided to move on. That was what she’d urged him to do on so many occasions in the past. She moaned. Deep in the inner recesses of her heart, she admitted that she didn’t want Keith to get over her, not when she didn’t have any realistic hope of ever shaking her addiction to him.
    Gina held her chin while she stared at a blank screen on her iMac. Was it her unsolicited kiss in the elevator that had precipitated his sudden elusiveness? Maybe he’d found her brazen action despicable, considering the fact that her son was on his deathbed.
    No, that’s not it. That would be like the pot calling the kettle black. Since his arrival, Keith hadn’t kept his hands off her. Gina remembered their passionate encounter in her kitchen hallway. She picked up a pencil and tapped her bottom

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