My Savior Forever
is crying too. We sit there crying and hugging for the longest
time. By the time we pull back I am sniffling and
    Allie reaches over to the end table
and grabs a couple of Kleenex’s and hands me one. While wiping her
eyes she says, “Oh, Cassie. You have to be the bravest person I
have ever met. I am so sorry that happened to you and the life
you’ve had to endure.”
    “Jesse is getting pregnancy tests
because there is still a chance I could be pregnant,” I say while
crying again. “Jesse told me he didn’t care if I was, he would
still love me and the baby.” Now I am bawling.
    Allie hugs me again and holds me
tight. “Of course he will and so will I. He loves you,
    I am crying harder now. What did I do
to deserve these wonderful people’s love? I never thought I would
have this, that I would feel this. I feel so blessed right
    We both pull back from each other and
she wipes some tears off my face with her tissue. “Why don’t you go
upstairs and lie down for a little while? Hmmm? Jesse should be
home pretty soon and if you’re still asleep, I’ll make sure he
comes to you, ok?” She says patting my knee.
    “Are you sure you don’t mind? I hate
just leaving you down here alone,” I ask. She shakes her head at
me. “No, of course I don’t mind. Go ahead. I’ll be fine. Jesse
won’t be much longer.”
    I nod at her and slowly walk to the
stairs. I turn my head to her. “If you need me, come wake me up.
Promise?” I ask her. She nods at me, “I promise. Now go get some


    I am disoriented as I open my eyes to
find Jesse looking at me as he shakes me really hard. “Cassie,
baby, wake up! Honey, shhhh, wake up. It’s just a dream. I’m here
now, shhhh.” He pulls me into his arms and holds me.
    I feel really out of it. “Um, what
happened?” I ask.
    Jesse pulls away, just slightly, as he
searches my eyes. “You were having a bad dream. Allie told me you
told her everything that happened to you. I think that may have
caused your bad dream. Can you remember anything?”
    I shake my head a bit while closing my
eyes. “Um, yeah, it was the same nightmare I was having before. It
felt so real, like it was happening all over again.” I push my face
into his chest while my arms go around him. He places his hand on
the back of my head, stroking my hair over and over.
    Allie comes racing into the bedroom
and skids to a stop right before she hits the bed. “Oh, my God,
Cassie! Are you ok? You were screaming so loud!” She
    Still holding me, Jesse looks over at
Allie. “She’s ok, sis. Just a nightmare, she’ll be ok in a bit.”
Allie reaches over and rubs my back. I dig my head deeper into
Jesse’s chest.
    Allie whispers, “Its ok Cassie. We
both love you, remember that, we love you and we’re here for you.”
She quietly leaves the room, but I can hear the door
    I look up at Jesse. “I’m sorry. I feel
like that’s all you do is take care of me. I don’t mean for you to
have to do that so much.” I sniffle.
    He cups my face with his hands. “Don’t
ever feel that way, baby. I will always take care of you. I love
caring for you. I love you. Don’t ever forget that. I think talking
about it today with sis put it all in your head again.” He kisses
my forehead, and I begin to calm down.
    “I hate to bring this up but do you
feel like taking one of these tests now? I really think you should
do one today and then maybe take another in a few days. I bought
several. I know the doctor said in a couple of weeks but I want
this to be behind you.” He kisses me softly.
    I pull back from him and brush the
hair out of my eyes. “I’m ok. Thanks for getting those for me. I’ll
go take one and be downstairs in a few minutes, ok?” I look at him
with a small smile.
    “Ok, but are you sure you don’t want
me to stay up here with you? Moral support?” He asks. I shake my
head. “I think I need to do this on my own. But, thank

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