My Real

My Real by Mallory Grant

Book: My Real by Mallory Grant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mallory Grant
Tags: Contemporary
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like it.”
    “Me too,” she admits. “That reach around trick came from one of the books I read.”
    “That was a good one. What other tricks do you have up your sleeve?” I ask as I run my fingers through her hair.
    “I’m not sure. I may have to go to the book store for some more research material.”
    “That’s research I could really get behind.” Bailey chuckles lightly at my bad joke before falling asleep.

    I wake up with warm breath on my neck and strong arms around me. I can hear Andrew’s even breaths telling me he is still sound asleep. I don’t want to move, but I want to surprise him with breakfast in bed. I slide out from under his arms and pick up some of the dirty clothes all over the floor and start a load of wash. I’m almost done making the egg omelets when I hear Andrew walk downstairs.
    He wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck. “Good morning, beautiful.” I smile to myself. I think he calls me beautiful every time he greets me. A girl could get used to hearing things like that.
    “Good morning. Breakfast is almost done. It’s beautiful outside, do you want to eat on the deck?” I ask as I pour us both orange juice.
    “Absolutely, what can I do?” he offers.
    “Can you just take that tray outside. I’ll be out in one minute.”
    I finish the eggs and join Andrew on the deck where he is sitting on the lounge chair. I sit down on his chair facing him and put the plates between us.
    “I’ve got big plans for us today,” I tell him as I dig in. “First, we are going for a run.” I giggle when he wrinkles his nose. “Then we are going to shower and you’re going to help me fold wash.”
    “Now that’s romantic. I’m such a lucky guy.”
    “That you are, but that’s not all. After the laundry is done … wait for it … we are going grocery shopping. Bam.” I throw my fork down and thrust my arms in the air. “Best date ever.”
    He laughs and agrees. “Best date ever. But, I’m not a big fan of running. I’m more of a biking kind of guy. Can’t we go for a ride instead?”
    Andrew puts the plates on the tray and places it on the deck next to us. Grabbing my mug, I swing around and lean up against Andrew’s chest. I’ve never really spent a lot of time out here. I could easily get used to relaxing out here with Andrew. I could already picture Emerson running around playing in the grass.
    “No, sorry, this is my date. We’re running,” I say as I steal a piece of bacon off his plate.
    He tries to grab it back from me but I shove the whole thing in my mouth then give him a smile. “Just for that, I’m going running with you and I’m going to kick you ass. You’re just lucky I have workout clothes in my car.”
    I get up off the lounge. “You haven’t seen my running clothing yet. You’ll start to love running.” I raise my eyebrows at him.
    He races in the house behind me, gets his gym bag, and changes. He is standing by the door stretching before I can even finish the breakfast dishes. When I walk down the stairs in my sports bra and running shorts, Andrew puts his hand on his chest. “My heart is not going to make it running behind you in that outfit.”
    “Come on grandpa, let’s go.” I grab his hand and pull him out the door.
    We start at a slow pace to warm up and Andrew has no problem keeping up. When I start to pick up the pace, he drops back a step or two behind me. I figure it is because he is watching my backside while I run, but a few minutes into it, I can hear his breath becoming labored. I turn around and jog backward.
    “You doing okay back there?” I ask.
    “Oh yeah,” he huffs between heavy breaths. “I’m great.” He huff, again.
    “You ready to pick up the pace then?”
    “You want … to go … faster?” He struggles to question.
    “Oh yeah. This is just my warm up.”
    He stops dead on the road, and put his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath. I run circles around him while he rests.
    “Hey, why

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