My Kind Of Crazy

My Kind Of Crazy by Nadene Seiters Page A

Book: My Kind Of Crazy by Nadene Seiters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nadene Seiters
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and hits the play button with a quirked eyebrow. “Chief Roberts interviewing
the victim in the D’Salvatore kidnapping.” I roll my eyes at the absurdity of
this act, but play along with him as he sits down in the plastic chair. The
interview begins with an amicable air.
    “Anastasia D’Salvatore, tell me what you remember from the
beginning.” And so I tell him in a quiet voice the beginning of my journey
through the woods in the fading light with a maniac.
    “I was putting away the leftover lasagna when I noticed May
coming back from doing her business in the back yard with something in her
mouth. The poor dog was stumbling by the time she got to the back door, and I
pulled her inside quickly. She lay down under the kitchen table, and I tried to
pull the meat from her mouth, but she refused to let it go.
    While I was trying to wrestle the meat from her, someone hit
me over the back of the head pretty hard. I remember flashes of being drug
through the trees, and at some points I was conscious enough to stumble
alongside the man. He was tall, probably over six feet, and he was wearing
camouflage clothing, like a hunter. He also had on a mask, so I couldn’t see
his face.” The Chief raises his hand to halt me.
    “Do you remember which direction you were heading?” I lean
back into the pillows and close my eyes as I try to remember. My lips purse
with my agitation, and then I hear the shuffling of some paperwork.
    “East, we were heading east. He knocked me over the head
again when I started to struggle, and the next time I woke up I was in a dark
room. There was a dirt floor, and I was tied up with some sort of nylon rope on
my ankles, but the rope around my wrists felt more like polyester. I don’t know
if that’s important, but it’s what I remember.” Chief Roberts nods for me to go
on, and so I do.
    “He asked me repeatedly where the tape was. Before you ask,
I have no idea what he was talking about. I told him a fake location in the
house, and he told me that he would cut off my fingers if I was lying. After he
left, I managed to get out of my restraints and broke the tarp over the window.
Then I broke the window and climbed through. I don’t know which way I went. I
just started walking and ran into the man who drove me to the precinct.”
    “Do you remember anything else about the man who took you?”
I try to think back, and furrow my brows.
    “He had hazel eyes.”
    “How can you be sure?”
    “Because that was the only thing I could see about him in
that cabin, or whatever it was. His eyes were hazel with these shoots of brown
that grew out of the pupils like rays from the sun, and they were surrounded by
the blackest iris ring I’ve ever seen.” The chief purses his lips as he opens
up the manila envelope and studies the picture inside.
    “Is this the man who took you?” He flips the picture and
hands it over to me, and my stomach plummets. My left eye starts to twitch
minutely as I stare at the picture of Jonah in my hands, and my heart begins to
pound audibly.
    “Jonah Quinton?” I squeak out, staring at his gray-blue
eyes. “No, you have the wrong man. Jonah didn’t take me. He’s h-harmless.”
Reality is starting to set in, and my bladder starts to squeeze. “You don’t
have the man who took me, Chief Robertson.”

Chapter Six
    “You did this to us! We’re fucking stuck here, and we’re
going to rot in jail if we’re lucky! They’ll probably strap us to a chair and
stick us full of chemicals to stop the breathing, and then stop the heart. You
idiot!” Tom’s ranting has me leaning my forehead against the cool wall of the
cell while the other inmates stare at me with concern. I don’t blame them
because I’m starting to lose my marbles without my medication, and to top it
all off no one will tell me if they found Anastasia or not.
    “Shut up, before you get us both thrown into the nut house!”
I can’t help the shout, and feel heat flood the back of my neck

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