My Hot New Year
    Chapter 1: Fighting Fear  
    “This is ridiculous.”
    I glance over at the driver’s seat.  My 65-year old mother grips the steering wheel with textbook 10:00 and 2:00 symmetry, while she drives me to work on my first day back from Christmas break.
    She shakes her head.  “No, it’s not!”
    Deep breaths…don’t panic!  I’m 37 years old, and my mom is behind the wheel of my Toyota.  It’s only temporary.  It’s just one day.  I can handle it.
    “I love you, honey, and I’m not going to let some rich CEO get the best of my daughter.”
    I raise an eyebrow.  “Did you pack my lunch for me, too?  You know PB & J is my favorite, right?”
    “I’m just saying, Jillian, that you have to expect the worst.  I saw how you looked at Christmas breakfast, and I don’t ever want see you in that kind of shape again.  Until the kids come home, I’m going to watch over you.“
    She’s right.  I am pathetic.  The thing is that she doesn’t even know the half of it!
    If the divorce 19 months ago wasn’t bad enough, then Christmas Eve was surely the clincher.  I had the best sex of my life with a perfect stranger and then 5 minutes past afterglow, I discovered Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome was about to be my new boss.
    Welcome to 2013, Jillian Reece!
    Okay…A little explanation.  After that escapade, I showed up the next morning for Christmas breakfast at my parents’ house crying and drunk.  It’s also quite possible I said a few things to Aunt Lucy that I should have kept to myself, but geez!  Give me a break!  Her fourth husband was gay, and everyone knew it but her.  I was just restating the obvious.
    Anyway, back to me.
    I tell myself I’m going to be fine for the thousandth time.  I’m not emotionally unstable, am I?  I know exactly how much I can handle.
    Well, sort of.
    Once I get back in the office and discover that I’m not about to be fired by, the first man to give me repeat orgasms on the very first try, everything will be just fine.  I know it.  Mom doesn’t know about that part, though.  No wonder she thinks I’m crazy.
    “Mom, you really don’t need to worry about me.  I’ll be fine.  I know you need to get back to Oyster Cove soon.  Dad needs you, too.”
    I’ll admit it has been nice having her with me for the past week, but this has gone on long enough.  I need to put on my big girl pants and move on.  There will be no more thongs around this tush for a long, long time.   Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome has definitely closed my shop for a while.
    Mom would pass out cold if she had any idea that I invited a drunk (albeit gorgeous and rich) stranger to my cabin on Christmas Eve and let him have his way with me.  I know.  It’s not my finest moment.  All seemed to be going just splendid, until I discovered that mere minutes after Jake merged with me, he merged with my company.  I guess that’s why you get to know people before let them seduce you in a book store or tie your wrists to bed posts.
    Here’s the REAL reason I am about to lose my grip on my panties.  Jake has no idea that the woman he unwrapped like a Christmas gift and left glowing like Rudolph is NOW his employee.  I’m one of 50 copy editors at Wilshire Publishing who may be on the chopping block with the takeover.
    “You can just drop me at the side door,” I beg Mom.
    Lord knows I don’t want Mr. Tall Dark & Handsome to see me with my “Mommy.”
    Oh, no.  I feel the nausea surging back.  What is Jake going to do when he sees me?  What if he thinks I slept with him just to keep my job?  Gosh, this is such a mess.  Just then the wheels come to a stop, and I realize it’s time to face this disaster head on.  I just hope the wreckage isn’t as bad as I imagine.
    “Sweetheart, I’m here for you.  You call me, and I’ll be waiting at the curb.  I will even help you clean out your desk!”
    I roll my eyes.
    “Thanks for that boost of confidence, Mom!  You  really expect

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