My Forever (Canary Series)

My Forever (Canary Series) by Cl King

Book: My Forever (Canary Series) by Cl King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cl King
have been like if I had been the one she ran into and not him."
    "I wonder what things would have been like if she never ra n into him in the first place."
    "Wow, do I hea r some jealousy in your words?"
    Garrett laughed, " No, of course not. No reason to be jealous, I’m just protective of her and if she hadn't run into him then maybe they wouldn't have gotten together and she wouldn't have lost herself when he died."
    "See, that’s the thing about life. Everything happens for a reason, w hether we like it or not. Even if they hadn't run into each other they might still have ended up together. It could have been fate."
    "So, what do you say about this whole situation between you tw o? Does she know how you feel?"
    Nate laughed nervously, "No she doesn't know how I feel. I plan on telling her, but t he moment has to be right. As for this situation, we have both been through a lot and, don't get me wrong; I miss Ian and loved him like a brother. But maybe his death was nature’s way of bringing me and Olivia closer together. I thought that when he died that our friendship would have ended, but it didn't. Our friendship only got stronger, so I believe that everything happens for a reason. I always knew that she and I are meant to be together, it was just the fact of having to be patient."
    Garrett sat there silently taking everything in. He found out a lot that night and it needed to be organized in his head before he could take any more in. Nate started to play with a piece of string on his hoodie giving Garrett some time. When Nate looked at his watch he realized that it was getting late and he really wanted to go for a walk with Olivia. "Garrett, it's getting late and I really need to finish getting ready and go meet Olivia so we can go on our walk. Is there anything else you want or need to know, or did I satisfy what you want ed to know?"
    Garrett shook his head, "Nah, I think we are good. Thank you for being honest with me. I know it was har d but I do trust you more now."
    "Hey, like I said anything for Olivia. I do love her and will do anything for her, even if it means having to tell someone my secrets in order to be with her." Nate got up and started heading towards the door. He picked up his jacket from the hook on the wall by the door and reached for the door knob.
    "Wait, Nate , I do have one more question for you."
    Nate turned to look a t Garrett, "And that would be?"
    "Are you going to follow your family’s footsteps and join the ranks of the Organization?"
    Nate took a deep breath and turned to where he was facing Garrett, "I made myself a promise when I was little that I would never become a part of the Organization no matter what. I don't like what they stand for and don't approve of what they do. So no, I will never join the Organization, I plan on becoming an Agent to stop them from doing what they are doing. Is there anything else?" Garrett shook his head, "Great. Well, I’m going to go meet with Olivia. I will talk to you later. Remember, what was said in here doesn't leave this room. It's just between the two of us."
    Garrett nodded, " You can trust me. I won't tell anyone. Plus, it's not my story to tell it's yours. Just don't hide it too much longer from Olivia."
    Nate knew that he would have to tell her at some point, but knew that timing was everything too. He just nodded and opened the door and went to the living area where he was to meet Olivia for their walk.

    Olivia got ready, picked up her notebook and headed out of her room. She was looking in the book and writing when she ran into Christine, "I’m so sorry Christy, I should really not write while walking."
    Christine laughed, "Yeah, well I wasn't paying attention either. So there is no reason to apolo gize. What are you working on?"
    "Oh nothing , just a new song, no big deal," Olivia said smiling.
    Christine smiled, "Really Liv? You're writing a new song. That is awesome, I’m so happy for you. It's been forever since you

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