My Fairy Godmonster
    I try to follow and trip on her toes. She
laughs. I trip on my own toes. I laugh.
    “Do monsters waltz?” I yell.
    “They have their version. Not something you
would do.”
    “Why not?”
    She says, “It involves smashing your
partner’s feet.”
    We kind of spin, swirl and skip to the music
until I can follow her lead.
    “Cool,” Fairy Godmonster says. “You’re a
    I don’t think there’s anything natural about
waltzing to hard rock.
    She cracks her whip and everything
    “Back to work, Winderella.” Fairy Godmonster
smiles and glides across the hall to Daria’s room.
    “Godzilla’s in there,” I warn.
    “I’m not afraid of a cat,” she huffs.
    I follow her into the room and close the
door. Godzilla glares at us from the middle of the bed.
    Fairy Godmonster inspects the wallpaper.
“This your room?”
    “Yeah,” I say quickly, embarrassed. “I want
to update it, but don’t know what to do.”
    She walks around the room and smiles. CRACK!
My bedroom transforms into the
    sweetest room I’ve ever seen. Shiny silver
and white. CRACK! Red, oriental. CRACK! Blue and cool.
    Dizzy, I say, “Awesome!”
    Fairy Godmonster snaps her whip and the
bedroom returns to the way it was.
    “Now you have some ideas.”
    Her magic fills the room with a white
whirlwind. It swishes around the room, sucking out the dust. Not
one of Daria’s stuffed animals moves.
    Satisfied, Fairy Godmonster puts her whip
into the NTMT chip. It chirps. She lays the chip on the dresser and
primps in the mirror.
    I sigh, wishing I could look half as good as
she does.
    Suddenly, Godzilla jumps to the dresser and
snatches the NTMT chip in one paw.
    “Give that back,” hollers Fairy
    Godzilla snatches the chip in her mouth and
scrambles across the dresser.
    Chirp, chirp, chirp.
    “Quick, grab her!” yells Faro.
    My hands slip off Godzilla’s silky tail. I
end up with a handful of fur.
    The cat leaps to the floor.
    Fairy Godmonster lunges after her.
    Godzilla swallows the chip and

Chapter 18: Speed Bumps
    “NOOOOOO! My clothes, my food, my exercise
    “Your whip,” I whisper in shock.
    Fairy Godmonster’s eyes turn pink. She throws
herself on the bed. “They’ll expel me from Fairy Court if they hear
about this.”
    “She’s in the NTMT chip.”
    “Oh, chill. It’s really a matter of
semantics. The nanoparticles in the NTMT chip have transferring
intelligence. There are safeguards against sintering. I’m sure the
quantum confinement cell enclosed Godzilla inside.”
    “Is that good?” My legs wobble. I collapse on
the edge of the bed.
    “It’s only a matter of time. Godzilla won’t
be able to digest the NTMT chip. When she poops, she’ll
    “How long will that take?” I ask.
    “One to four days. Of course, the poop will
still be invisible, except for the microscopic luster,” she
    My head spins. “Four days?”
    She nods.
    I’m dead meat.
    A car door slams.
    “They’re back.” I stand up in panic and the
room swirls around. Fairy Godmonster
    grabs me before I crash to the floor.
    “Buck up. Quick. Let’s go.”
    She hustles me out of the room. I start to
close the door.
    “No. Leave it open a crack, to cover your
tracks. Get downstairs and pretend to be working.”
    “What are you going to do?”
    “I have to get the Luster Detector from my
    “How will you find it at night?”
    She rolls her eyes.
    I forget about her X-ray vision.
    “You can’t get downstairs in time,” I say in
    She smiles. “I’ll climb out the attic window
and jump.”
    My brain swirls and I want to throw up. “I
can’t get Kong out of here in time.”
    “I’ll take him with me,” she says.
    “He weighs a hundred-and-forty pounds!”
    “I don’t lift weights for fun. Some of my
monster clients

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