My Estranged Lover (Middlemarch Shifters Book 5)

My Estranged Lover (Middlemarch Shifters Book 5) by Shelley Munro

Book: My Estranged Lover (Middlemarch Shifters Book 5) by Shelley Munro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelley Munro
Tags: paranormal romance, rurual romance
slanting a glance at her husband. She craved his touch and a peck on the cheek would not do. Once they made love again it would feel as if their marriage was heading in the right direction.
    Marsh drew her close. “I’m glad.”
    “It’s so quiet here. Look at the stars. I don’t think I’ve seen so many stars in all my life. I’d heard this is a good place to star watch, but I didn’t realize the stars would fill the sky. They’re so pretty.”
    “It’s the perfect place for romance,” Marsh said, and he stopped walking and swung her into his arms. His mouth covered hers seconds later, a kiss of promise, a kiss of hope, a kiss of passion.
    Her body responded at once, softening against his. “I want you so much.”
    “We have a comfortable bed, one that’s ready to climb into, since you were so organized.”
    “Forethought and hope,” she countered, her pulse jumping at the rough huskiness of his voice. He’d always made her feel this way. Eager for the physical, from the first time she’d seen him she’d wanted his body, his touch. That had never changed even though things had gone wrong between them.
    “Caroline, I love you and the boys. Never doubt that.” He set her on her feet, caressed her cheek, then dropped his hand to cup her shoulder. “I know we haven’t made love for a long time, but I want you very much. I didn’t think I should rush you, that talking and working on our problems were more important than the physical side of our marriage. My idea was to woo you.”
    Caroline snorted and gave an embarrassed laugh. “For you, Marsh, I’m easy. I thought you didn’t want me any longer. Your mother—”
    Marsh opened the door to their house and led her inside. “I refuse to discuss my mother.”
    “Just this once,” Caroline said, determined. “Your mother kept telling me I’d let myself go and that no man would want me. You were always so busy and you stopped sleeping in our bed. I didn’t know…I thought that she was right.” Caroline swallowed, finding this admission hard, even in the darkness of the house.
    “I have never looked at another woman,” Marsh said. “Not from the moment I first saw you. Mum doesn’t know what she’s talking about and I forbid you to listen to another word she says. If you have doubts, you come and ask me.”
    “You forbid?” Her lips quirked in the beginnings of a smile. Luckily he’d miss her amusement in this light.
    “Most definitely,” Marsh said. “No more talking. We’re moving into the action phase.”
    Without warning, he lifted her off the floor again.
    “Marsh,” she protested. “I’m too heavy for you to tote around.”
    “Am I struggling,” he countered.
    “N-no.” The truth. His breathing hadn’t changed as he strode down the passage. How could he see in this inky blackness? He’d always been this way, and it seemed the boys had inherited his incredible eyesight.
    Marsh dropped her on their bed. Unlike their bed in Middlemarch, she bounced instead of slipping into the dip made by long use.
    Before she could blink, Marsh caged her between his body and the mattress. She breathed in his familiar scent and the flutters that had started earlier multiplied in intensity.
    He kissed her. Slow and easy and the touch reverberated the length of her body. She reached for him, wanting to touch and explore in return.
    “No,” he whispered against her neck. “I won’t last long if you touch me. Does your dress unzip at the back?”
    “Yes.” Bravery came easier in the darkness. Despite his assurances, her extra curves made her self-conscious.
    “Turn over for me.” Competent hands dealt with the zipper and whisked it open. Before she knew it, he had her out of her dress. A quick flick had her bra gaping and her matching panties—her last set of matching lingerie—drawn down her legs and tossed aside.
    Marsh moved over her again. “Love your red hair, your sexy curves, Caroline.” His voice emerged thick with emotion as

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