My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1)

My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1) by Nikita Jakz, Alicia Dawn

Book: My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1) by Nikita Jakz, Alicia Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikita Jakz, Alicia Dawn
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chest as she dashed out the rear double doors.
    Cole stopped what he was doing and immediately rinsed off. He had seen Sera spying on him but had pretended not to notice. He couldn’t deny his disappointment when she’d ducked out so soon. He was hoping to give her another show.
    With a snap of his fingers, the water cut off - just in time to hear the back doors slam shut. “Shit,” he cursed, jumping out of the shower.  She wasn’t going anywhere. Fast hands secured a towel around his waist as he immediately flashed out of the room.
    A split second later he rematerialized - right in front of Sera’s fast-fleeing form. With a surprised yelp, she bounced off his chest.
    “Not going to happen,” he growled as he picked her up off the ground. Over his bare, wet shoulder he slung her before promptly spanking her ass. “You will behave.”  Smack. “You will not run away.” And yet another. She beat on his back as he stalked toward the house, but the next spank he delivered had her gasping aloud. He grinned, knowing that one must have stung. “Don't test me, Sera.”
    The squeak she let out had Cole wondering if she wasn’t holding back a laugh. It wouldn’t surprise him. His angel used to love his rough kind of play. She squirmed exceptionally hard and his palm found her undoubtedly rosy-red cheek once more. This time the cry she bit back was blatantly laced with pleasure. Cole grinned. Yep, knew it. 
    Desperate fingers attacked his ribs. “Do not test me , you shameless male!” He let out a yelp, stumbling while trying to evade her tickles. Over his shoulder, he heard her laugh. “That will teach you to mess with a mighty Seraph! Now release me at once!”
    Her gloating was short lived, however, as Cole unleashed another biting smack. “Sera, you aren’t mighty here, I am.” He shoved open the door and stalked inside, kicking it closed behind him. A few more long-legged strides and they were back in his bedroom.
    Dark eyes flashing, he gave his fingers another snap. Shutters fell instantly over the windows. Every bolt lock in the house cranked shut. With one last spank for good measure , he tossed Sera onto the bed. As she bounced with a yelp, he flicked her a look before sauntering back to the bathroom. Now to finally finish what he’d started. “Behave,” he warned, “or I’ll make it so you can’t sit for a week.”
    Sera's eyes went wide. How dare he speak to the highest of all celestial angels like that! Snarling like a disgruntled kitten, she scrambled off the bed and stormed into the bathroom. Index finger raised, she opened her mouth to chastise him, only to go speechless at the jaw-dropping sight. More water was dousing his heavenly nakedness, making him appear divine in his own glorious r ight. She simply stood there, and gaped.
    It wasn’t until he smirked at her that she snapped her mouth shut. Crossing her arms, she glared. “You cannot keep me. I am no one's possession. They will find me, and even if they do not, I will eventually escape on my own.” She lifted her chin. “You will have to bind my wrists to the post of your bed in order to keep me from leaving.” Her brow raised triumphantly, her lips curving smugly. Not even Cole would do such a thing.
    Five minutes later and she was screeching furiously, her wrists bound tight to the post of his bed. “Cole!!”

    “Sweet heavens set aflame.”
    Cole grinned as he exited the bathroom, listening to Sera shriek. Ah, the sound of a woman duped.  Her tirade halted when he came into view, her wide eyes staring shamelessly at his naked body. His lips twitched. That’s his Sera.
    His own eyes were just as appeased. With her hands secured to his sturdy bedpost, she made quite the sight to feast on herself. Now, if he could just get her to cooperate.
    He crossed his arms, smirking as she her paused in her perusal to glare at him. “Hey,” he chuckled, “you asked for it. Literally. So get over your tantrum,

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