My Dear Sophy

My Dear Sophy by Kimberly Truesdale

Book: My Dear Sophy by Kimberly Truesdale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Truesdale
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spoke it aloud.
    “ So now that we are all grown up, might we stop stomping up and down the stairs, slamming doors, and fighting with each other?”
    Papa looked up over the book he was reading. She could see his sly smile as the boys looked at each other then at their sister and roundly declared, “No!”
    Sophy sighed theatrically and sent them all into the giggles.

Chapter XI
    Sophy was pleased the next morning to be woken neither by the stomping of her brothers past her room nor by a distressed cry indicating some catastrophe. It made a nice change to the rest of the week she had passed. She reveled in the opportunity of a few minutes' quiet reflection on the events of the last few days.
    First there was Freddy. After their long talk yesterday, Papa and Freddy had seemed to be much easier with each other. The family had enjoyed a pleasant, quiet evening together for the first time in a month. Sophy hoped this was the start of more considered behavior on everyone's part. Not that she would completely stamp out the mischievous parts of her brothers, but if the humor could be decently moderated by some common sense and, what's more, an awareness of the people around them, that could only be a benefit to everyone. Freddy's apology seemed to bode well for this new way of approaching things, although she wondered what would happen when he was tasked with exercising his more adult attitude.
    Maybe Captain Croft could help him learn. It seemed that the man had already worked some quiet magic on the boy. After all, it had only been after meeting him that Freddy had not only turned around and come home, but also that he had apologized to her, Papa, and the town. She must try to put Freddy more in the captain's company.
    Sophy's mind skittered away from the happy idea that putting Freddy more in company with Captain Croft meant that she would also be more in his company. Sophy had thoroughly enjoyed their walk together yesterday. She had found herself in an unexpected situation with a near stranger and yet she had felt perfectly comfortable. She was eager to repeat the experience.
    There were so few people Sophy's age around Milverton these days. Her girlhood friends had all married and moved into their own homes. She still saw them, but their lives had turned toward marriage and children and household cares. They were no longer so willing to romp the countryside or spend an afternoon in Sophy's front room.
    At the thought of marriage, her mind flew immediately toward Mr. Hollingson. In all the fuss of finding Freddy yesterday, she had quite forgotten that the young curate had been in her home only the night before. And he had been on the cusp of a declaration to her. Sophy's blood raced at the thought and the memory of their embrace. Though she was alone, her face colored deeply at the thought. Sophy wondered if it would happen again. Maybe she would see him today...
    And it was to be an exciting day, indeed. Not the normal run of Sunday service and visiting. An invitation had been sent round last afternoon for luncheon with the Crofts. This was not an unusual invitation, for the Crofts and Wentworths spent much time together. The easy friendships between the two families had been established before the children had even been born. But today was made special by the added joy of a child's return. Today, Captain Conrad Croft would join their usual party. And for Sophy, that completely altered the dynamic of the day. She was glad of the chance at further acquaintance with the fascinating man. And a chance at seeing Mr. Hollingson. The world held so much goodness this morning that she almost felt like singing.
    “ Sophia Elizabeth Wentworth,” Sophy said aloud to her reflection, using her full name to show herself how much she meant it. “Keep yourself together please.” But she could not keep the smile from her face.
    For the absurd truth was that when she began to consider that the invitation to an afternoon of lunch and

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