My Country Is Called Earth

My Country Is Called Earth by Lawrence John Brown

Book: My Country Is Called Earth by Lawrence John Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lawrence John Brown
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against weaker nations. That is not the true God, but only a crude god made in the image of a warlike people.”
    “People in your time believed the Four Gospels were divinely inspired, when in fact they were edited versions of the original texts, rewritten in the fourth century to fit the beliefs of the leaders of the Catholic Church. Words were put into the mouth of Jesus. References to reincarnation were removed or altered. Mary was made out to be a virgin, because normal motherhood was thought to be unclean, due to the Church’s rejection of the world.”
    “There were other gospels left out of the Bible, because they had Jesus saying things the Church found threatening. For example, The Gospel According To Thomas contains a passage in which Christ responds to a question from one of the apostles about the coming of the Kingdom of God: ‘The Kingdom shall not come by expectation. The Kingdom is spread across the face of the earth, and men do not see it.’ A profession of priests would find such ideas dangerous, because if God were already in their midst, there would be no need for a church.”
    “In the early Christian centuries a decision was made to treat the stories about Jesus as historical facts. The Catholic Church later wrote the Nicene Creed, which spells out the beliefs of the Church. That Creed was the result of the victory of one faction of the Church over a group that wanted to view Jesus as a Buddha-like man: a human incarnation of God sent to remind us of the divinity of all creation. Today the Buddhist view has won over the Catholic Church. The Church teaches that we are all incarnations of God. To become aware of that truth and to live out of that knowledge is our task.”
    Thursday, July 9, 2076
    This is what Mother Elizabeth said when I asked her to talk more about science:
    “Your scientists are men of great faith. It takes a strong faith to believe that chance and the laws of physics and chemistry designed and built the universe with all its complexities and wonders. If you put limits on what you will admit is real as your scientist do, if you decide to only accept what you can see, detect with your instruments, or fit into your theories, you force yourself into incredible conclusions.
    “In order for science to be reborn, scientists had to realize that nature cannot be comprehended by dissecting it or by standing apart from it. Science now recognizes that the spiritual plane is the source of the physical universe. For example, our doctors understand that the beliefs and attitudes of an individual are more relevant to the cure of his sickness than the identification of any virus or anything else they can do for him. In your time, doctors were treated like gods. Now we know the patient is the god: The patient is the creator of his experiences.
    “Your medicine uses self-hypnosis in the wrong way: It teaches people to look for symptoms of specific diseases. It also teaches people to fear they will become ill by constantly telling them there are many diseases waiting for the opportunity to attack them.
    “In your day, many people believe medicine saved them from cancer or from some other disease. We think those people who survived their illnesses would have survived without doctors. We do not believe there are victims of any disease. We believe, as Jane Roberts said, that no one dies before he is ready to die.
    “Now that men no longer fear death, they do not ask to be kept alive when they are spiritually and physically ready to let go. I understand that in your time some terminally ill people had themselves frozen in the hope a cure could be found in the future. All those bodies that were frozen have been thawed out and placed into your cemeteries. Our cemeteries become farmland after fifty years, but yours, because in your time people were pumped full of chemicals, are considered toxic waste dumps now.
    “By burying people in metal or concrete boxes, your society

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