My Brother's Best Friend

My Brother's Best Friend by Becky Andrews

Book: My Brother's Best Friend by Becky Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becky Andrews
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    “So about what you wrote, how do you feel now?”
    “It’s easier to talk about. I mean now Devin knows and Larissa and Zach and probably most everyone at the studio. But it doesn’t really bother me.”
    “Yes. Sometimes I feel like he’s the only one I can really open up to. Like he is the only one who really knows how I feel or what’s actually going on.”
    “So what is the source of your negative feelings toward him?”
    “I mean, I wouldn’t say I hate him like I did in high school, he’s saved me from a lot of things and helped me in a lot of ways that I’ll always be grateful for, but the way women just fawn all over him disgusts me. And it’s not like he doesn’t enjoy the attention. It just bugs me.”
    “Do you really think that’s the true reason? Maybe it’s because you wish you were the one he paid attention to?”
    I laughed. “No. I don’t think that.”
    Dr. Stone merely looked at me in that certain way like he always did when he felt I wasn’t being honest. “Okay,” he said, pressing the matter no further. “For Saturday, I want you to try to tell me about The Accident.”
    I almost smiled at Dr. Stone’s easy acceptance of the terms I had made up at the very beginning when I first started seeing him. The minute he had mentioned attempted suicide I told him to call it The Accident. He only nodded his head and since then has been faithful to call it such. Though I’m pretty sure he wants me to eventually call it what it is.
    “I want to know what you were feeling and why you felt it was the only way to escape your situation.”
    I nodded and sighed.
    “We are really getting somewhere, Christy. I’m curious as to what has prompted this change, but I’m hesitant to state what I think. Maybe quickly you can give me your thoughts.”
    This time I really did smile. “It probably had to do with finally telling someone what happened and having someone there to support me and someone to trust in.”
    “Well, yes I guess it’s Devin, but that doesn’t mean what you’re making it out to be. Devin is my friend. That’s all.” Who just happens to be my pretend boyfriend for the time being. I didn’t tell him that, of course. “I’m also on my own this week. Emily is at cheerleading camp, and Mitch is with Megan in Las Vegas. So I am forging ahead on my own, and I guess that feels good. Not having to worry about Emily or about the family and what we are having for dinner. It’s just me,” and Devin , “and I’m relaxed, happy even.”
    “Well, I’m glad to hear you have this time to think about yourself for a change and even to experience life on your own. All right, Christy, I think we’ve talked enough for today. Whatever the reason, I’m happy for this change.”
    “Because I’m actually talking to you now?”
    Dr. Stone laughed. “Goodbye. See you on Saturday.”
    I grabbed my things then headed home. By the time I got back, it was already nearly seven. I was Dr. Stone’s last appointment, and he made an exception for me to stay later on Wednesday because of my work as well as school schedule. It was the only time I was really free during the week. Saturday was my follow-up appointment. Yes, he worked Saturday but only because he took Monday off. It was the same day his wife had off. How do I know this? Because many times I told Dr. Stone I’d only respond to a question if he answered one of mine first. So I’m pretty sure I know Dr. Stone at least as well as his secretary knows him, maybe even more.
    Anyway, I got home and Devin was already in the living room watching TV. “Dinner’s on the stove!” Devin called as I shut the door.
    “Thanks!” I set my stuff down and walked into the kitchen.
    “How was your appointment?” Devin asked as he came into the kitchen.
    “It went well. He liked my assignments,” I said as I loaded my plate with vegetables and pasta. “He told me to write about what led up to The

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