My Anal Cowboy

My Anal Cowboy by Tasha Temple Page B

Book: My Anal Cowboy by Tasha Temple Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tasha Temple
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction
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ma’am,” he said.   “My name’s Johnny.   Johnny Thames.   I’m from Sagehollow.   Up past Three Corners?   Your husband asked me to come out and put up the gate for your new riding corral.”
    Lily looked at him, stunned.   Ted had told her was having a special entrance designed for the small paddock next to the house but hadn’t mentioned that it was ready to be installed.   Or that anyone would show up on the property to do the work this week.   Maybe he had meant it to be a surprise?   It was definitely that.
    “I’m afraid, Mr. Thames,” Lily said hesitantly, still gripping the railing, “that our foreman, Carlos Rivera, oversees all work on the ranch for us.   You’d need to see him first.”
    Johnny smiled, a wide charming grin which took Lily’s breath away.   His teeth gleamed white, his lips looked soft and full, the slight stubble on his chin glinted in the sun.   Her heart beat a little faster.
    “No need to worry ‘bout that, ma’am,” he said.   “I’ve already been done hired.   Signed all the paperwork with Mr. Stranton in town last month.   My work’s rather … personal and I do all of it myself.   Got most of the equipment I need in my truck,” he said, inclining his head toward the bed of the dusty pickup.
    She stared at him.
    “I’m temporary, Mrs. Stranton,” he assured her.   “I’ll have the metalwork up in a week an’ be on my way.   It’s my specialty and I work hard and fast.”
    Lily swallowed, her mouth dry, feeling faint at the thought this man was going to be around for the next week, all while Ted was away.   She tried to quiet the swarm of butterflies fluttering in her belly.
    “All right, Mr. Thames,” Lily said weakly.   “Carlos can see you to your lodging.”   She let go of the railing and looked down the driveway beyond his truck, raising her hand to point.   “He lives down there about a half mile –”
    “Oh I don’t need to see him,” Johnny interrupted.   “Mr. Stranton told me I’d find a bunkhouse nearer to the corral.   It’ll be easier for me to be closer to my work.”
    He stretched his shoulders, rolling his neck, the morning light filtering through his russet hair.   His boots scuffed the ground as he shifted position.   Lily’s eyes fluttered, suddenly very aware of a tight, sweet sensation growing between her legs like an unexpected flurry of sparks.   She clamped her thighs together beneath her skirt, hoping he hadn’t noticed.
    “But that’s, that’s – right by the house,” she said, her voice strangled, glancing over at the unused lean-to within a stone’s throw from the upstairs bedroom window.   Her bedroom.
    Johnny followed her gaze.  
    “That’ll be perfect, ma’am,” he said pleasantly.   “I’m not picky when it comes to places to sleep.   I’ve even brought my own meal fixin’s with me.   You won’t have to worry about a thing.    Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to get straightaway to work.”  
    He nodded, replaced his hat and grinned at her.  
    Lily felt dizzy again.
    “So nice to have met you, Mrs. Stranton.”
    She stammered something in return, watching helplessly as the cowboy walked back to his truck, got in and drove a few hundred yards down to where Ted had talked about putting in the gate design for the enclosure.
    She took a deep breath and then slowly exhaled, turning to go back into the house.   She held tightly to the railing as she took the few steps to the porch.   For the rest of the morning Lily could barely remember what she had planned to do.   She found herself frequently glancing out of the front windows watching Johnny working industriously at the fencing site.   He worked fast, just as he had promised.  
    Around noon, Lily glanced out the window again.   Johnny stood by his truck, wiping the sweat from his brow.   As she watched, he removed his shirt and tossed it into the open window of his cab.   His chest

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